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Trump expresses his intention to eliminate taxes associated with additional work hours, commonly referred to as overtime pay.

In a statement made on Thursday, ex-President Donald Trump declared his intentions to advocate for legislation that abolishes taxes on additional hours' compensation, should he secure another term in office.

Trump speaks at the Economic Club of New York on September 5, in the heart of New York City.
Trump speaks at the Economic Club of New York on September 5, in the heart of New York City.

Trump expresses his intention to eliminate taxes associated with additional work hours, commonly referred to as overtime pay.

"Today, I'm throwing in another perk with our extra tax reductions - we're scrapping taxes on overtime work. So think about it," Trump shared during a rally in Tucson, Arizona.

He continued, "This means more motivation for folk to put in the extra hours. It's a win-win for corporations, makes it simpler to recruit workers," Trump stated in his first rally post-debate with Vice President Kamala Harris.

His pitch was delivered in Arizona, a battleground state, where Harris' rise on the ticket has made the state, which Biden claimed by a marginal 10,000 votes, a potential Democratic victory this year.

Previously, Trump pledged to abolish taxes on service charges and suggested that seniors should be exempt from taxes on Social Security earnings.

"The citizens who put in overtime hours are some of the most dedicated workers in our nation, and for far too long, no one in Washington has had their back," Trump declared. "Those are the individuals - they truly labor. They're police officers, healthcare workers, factory operatives, construction employees, drivers, and machinery operators."

Trump further emphasized the importance of supporting these hardworking individuals by pointing out that "In the realm of politics, it's crucial to recognize the significance of these efforts and provide appropriate incentives." He also suggested that this tax reduction could potentially "Ignite a wave of political support, demonstrating the government's commitment to its workers."

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