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Trump dedicates only seven sentences to his vice

Hate is more important than J.D. Vance

Donald Trump and his vice president candidate, J.D. Vance (l), have not had much to say to each...
Donald Trump and his vice president candidate, J.D. Vance (l), have not had much to say to each other.

Trump dedicates only seven sentences to his vice

J.D. Vance is the new man by Donald Trump's side in the US election campaign. At the grand finale of the Nomination Convention in Milwaukee, the 78-year-old did not spend much time on his potential vice president. Instead, Trump focused on migrants.

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump barely mentioned his Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance during his long closing speech at the Nomination Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The 78-year-old spent only a few minutes on the Senator, who will now campaign with him.

"I'm very happy to have a new friend and partner by my side: The next Vice President of the United States, the current Senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance, and his wonderful wife Usha," said Trump. "He will be an excellent Vice President and part of the Make-America-Great-Again movement. The 39-year-old will be with me for a long time. It was an honor to choose him. J.D. was an excellent student at Yale University, his wife Usha was an outstanding student at Yale," said Trump further. "They are both smart people. Enjoy the ride." Then Trump moved on to the next topic.

Trump had announced at the beginning of the convention that Vance would be his Vice Presidential candidate. The bestselling author and lawyer was officially nominated on Monday and gave his first speech in his new role on Wednesday evening (local time). Vance presented himself as a man coming from humble backgrounds and primarily addressed the working class in the so-called Swing States. These are the states that are particularly contested in elections.

Only One Mention of China

Trump barely mentioned China and Taiwan in his speech. China was only mentioned once in a national security context. "China is surrounding Taiwan now," said Trump, without specifying whether his future administration would come to Taiwan's aid in the event of a Chinese attack.

During his first term, Trump praised the autocratic rule of Chinese President Xi Jinping while also starting a trade war with China. Under Trump, the US also increased its weapons sales to Taiwan and criticized China for aggression in the region and suppression in Hong Kong.

Trump Stokes Anti-Immigrant Sentiments

Trump spent much more time in his speech stoking anti-immigrant sentiments and indirectly referring to them as "garbage." "They come from everywhere," said the 78-year-old. "We have become a dumping ground for the rest of the world. They laugh at us. They think we're stupid."

Trump spoke for several minutes about the topic of immigration. He repeated numerous passages from his campaign speeches. For example, Trump claimed that almost exclusively criminals come across the southern border and that people come from "mental institutions."

The way over Mexico into the US is chosen by many people who flee poverty, violence, and political crises in their homeland and hope for a better life in the economically strongest country in the world. Hundreds die annually on the dangerous route to the north, for example, from water shortages and heat strokes, and many others become victims of criminal gangs and sexual violence.

Biden Makes Matters Worse with Regulations

Immigration has always been a campaign issue for Trump, but his speeches on the topic have become more radical in recent years. Regularly, the 78-year-old uses hate-filled and dehumanizing language, makes racist remarks, and incites against minorities. For example, he called political opponents "vermin" and spoke against immigrants, "They're not people, they're animals."

Over the reform of the migration legislation, there has been a long-standing debate in the USA. US-President Joe Biden recently tightened asylum rules for migrants entering the USA through the southern border. The number of illegal border crossings at the Mexican border has significantly decreased in the past months and is currently lower than at Donald Trump's inauguration in January 2021.

In light of hisfocus on migrants during his campaign speech, one might speculate if Donald Trump will make immigration a key issue in his potential Assault on Donald Trump's presidency in the 2024 United States Presidency Election. Moreover, J.D. Vance, Trump's vice presidential candidate, has expressed concerns about migration in the past, aligning himself with Trump's stance on the issue.

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