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Trump Contenders Vying for Vice Presidency Position

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Courted by many Republicans: Donald Trump.
Courted by many Republicans: Donald Trump.

Trump Contenders Vying for Vice Presidency Position

The race to find Donald Trump's running mate for the upcoming Presidential campaign has been heating up. Loyalty will be the key factor, considering Trump felt betrayed by his Vice President four years ago.

The Republican party will officially announce Trump as their Presidential nominee in July, while the Democrats will do so for Joe Biden in August. It is known that Harris will be running alongside Biden, but it's a mystery who will join Trump for the final leg of the campaign and potentially move into the White House.

Doug Burgum

Mike Pence, Trump's former Vice President, is out of the question. Pence publicly opposed Trump regarding the January 6, 2021 insurrection, and was responsible for certifying Biden's election victory. Trump had warned Pence beforehand that the certification would be a disaster for his career.

J.D. Vance

So, who could be Trump's Vice President? A candidate who is unwavering in their support for Trump's policies and can remain independent in tricky situations regarding the ex-President. Here are Trump's potential Vice Presidents:

Tim Scott
  1. Doug Burgum: A businessman like Pence, Burgum ran against Trump in the primaries, but came across as authentic and an outsider during the debates. Trump seems to admire the 67-year-old, partially due to his entrepreneurial background before venturing into politics. Burgum founded a software company in 1997 and sold it for a billion dollars to Microsoft in 2001. Some US media even believe Burgum is the most likely Vice President.
  2. J.D. Vance: A strong contender, Vance is popular on TV, advocates for Trump's positions, and is seen as a reliable figure. The 39-year-old could represent a new generation that mirrors the "Make America Great Again" base. Vance described the bitter nostalgia about industrial decline in the US with his autobiography "Hillbilly Elegy" in 2016. He became a popular spokesperson for the reasons behind Trump's election victory. However, Vance has only been a Senator for a year and a half, with a term lasting six years. Vance could potentially be the standard-bearer of MAGA Republicans in the crucial Senate.
  3. Marco Rubio: Known for appealing to traditional Republicans, Rubio may attract support from more politically conservative voters. The 53-year-old has the advantage of being able to court Latinos with his Cuban roots and Spanish language skills. However, Rubio and Trump have a history of clashes, with Trump nicknaming him "little Marco" during their primary campaign in 2016.
  4. Tim Scott: Scott could be a strong candidate for attracting Black voters. Scott ran for the presidential nomination but was inconsistent in the debates. There are questions about his loyalty to Trump's views, but it's clear that he could appeal to Black voters due to his family history as a descendant of slaves who made it to Congress. An increasing number of Black voters are considering voting for Trump in 2022.
  5. Elise Stefanik: A strong advocate for Trump, Stefanik, 39, defended him during his impeachment trial in Congress and could potentially win over Trump-skeptical women voters. She has experience in the White House under President George W. Bush.
  6. Tom Cotton: A Senator with military experience, Cotton almost became the new CIA director in Trump's first term. Cotton is known for his foreign policy views and often offers advice to Trump. He regularly appears on TV during critical questions about Trump. Cotton could potentially be chosen as Secretary of State or Defense.
  7. Byron Donalds: A lesser-known name, but Donalds, 45, is telegenic, reliable on TV, and a strong spokesperson for Trump. Donalds is trying to convince Black voters to support Trump at campaign events in Philadelphia and the Bronx in New York. Donalds has only been a Congressman for a few years, but he could gain national experience quickly.
  8. Ben Carson: Carson has government experience, having been Housing and Urban Development Secretary in Trump's first term. He is one of the few Black conservatives with national-level government experience. Carson's inspiring biography, coming from economically disadvantaged backgrounds in Detroit and rising to become an internationally renowned surgeon, could appeal to both Trump and voters. Carson may not be the most tactically sound option due to his advanced age, but Trump has shown little regard for such details in the past.
Elise Stefanik

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