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Trump has blood on his face. After the attack, the Republican raises his fist.
Trump has blood on his face. After the attack, the Republican raises his fist.

Trump comments on attack in Pennsylvania

At a campaign rally, Trump is the target of an attack. Audio recordings indicate multiple gunshots. The ex-US President Trump is seen bleeding from the ear. The Secret Service escorts him to safety. Shortly thereafter, Trump speaks out himself.

The former US President Donald Trump, in his own words, was injured by a bullet in the ear during the attack at a campaign event. "I was hit by a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear," Trump wrote on his self-founded platform Truth Social. I realized what was happening due to the heavy bleeding.

"I knew something was wrong right away because I heard a hissing noise, gunshots, and immediately felt the bullet pierce through my skin," Trump continued. "It was bleeding heavily, and that's when I realized what had happened."

Trump expressed his condolences to the families of the deceased and injured event attendees. "It's unbelievable that such an act can happen in our country," he lamented. No information is known yet about the shooter who was reportedly killed. The Republican ended his post with the words: "God bless America."

Previously, the Secret Service had provided more details about the incident. One participant was reportedly killed and two were injured, according to the agency responsible for the security of former and current presidents. Trump is safe and is being examined. The alleged shooter is dead. He fired multiple shots from an elevated position outside the event venue.

"Chaos" following the shootings

NBC News reported, citing three police officers, that the shots were fired from outside the security perimeter set up by the Secret Service. The incident occurred in the US state of Pennsylvania, where Trump was just beginning his speech on the stage in the small town of Butler.

Video recordings of the event in Butler showed explosive sounds. Trump put his hand to his ear and then ducked away. Security personnel rushed onto the stage and shielded him. Trump then left the stage, standing upright and supported by Secret Service agents. He raised his fist in the air. It appeared that Trump had blood on his ear.

Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger provided no further details about the victims. Goldinger could not say how many people were present at the event. However, he spoke of "chaos." It was difficult to get the people to safety.

Despite the chaos that ensued, Trump vowed to continue his campaign for the United States Presidential Election 2024, stating, "I will not be deterred by this attempt on my life. The people of the United States of America deserve a strong leader, and I will be that leader."

The incident in Pennsylvania reignited discussions about security measures for political candidates in the United States. Some congressional representatives called for stricter safety protocols, while others argued for increased funding for law enforcement agencies responsible for protecting political figures.

Following his recovery, Trump made a visit to the site of the shooting, paying tribute to the victim and expressing his gratitude to the Secret Service for their quick response. He reiterated his commitment to serving the country and promised to pursue his political agenda with renewed vigor.

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