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Could go instead of Biden in the presidential race: Kamala Harris.
Could go instead of Biden in the presidential race: Kamala Harris.

Trump camp preparing plan for Harris

The pressure on US-President Biden to withdraw from the presidential race is growing. The Trump camp is already preparing for Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate, should Joe Biden not run. The Trump camp intends to focus particularly on Harris' "missteps" in her current office and in California.

Donald Trump's campaign team is already preparing for Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate, should Joe Biden not run. The Trump camp intends to focus particularly on Harris' "missteps" in her current office and in California. According to the "New York Times," two people familiar with the matter have reported this.

There is already a dossier on Harris, as well as on other Democrats who could be nominated. However, Harris is seen as the most likely alternative by the Republicans. If the Vice President were to be bypassed, it would further deepen the split in the party and alienate the black voter base.

Trump allies have reportedly begun checking the financial statements of potential Democratic governors who could be Harris' vice presidential candidates. Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania is the favorite.

Brian Fallon, a campaign spokesperson for Harris, said in a statement that Trump has already spread lies about the Vice President's background. "As a former prosecutor and Attorney General, she has spent her entire career fighting against fraudsters and criminals like Trump."

The pressure on US-President Biden to withdraw from the presidential race has grown in the past few days. Concerns about his age and doubts about his mental fitness are immense, even among his closest associates. Media reports indicate that Biden is considering withdrawing.

If Joe Biden decides to step down from the 2024 United States Presidency race, the Democrats fear that Kamala Harris could become a target for Donald Trump's campaign, given their focus on Harris' past "missteps" in office and California. Trump allies have reportedly begun scrutinizing potential Democratic vice presidential candidates, particularly Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania.

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