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Trump Attack: Biden warns America of political violence

The attack on Trump has confirmed fears of escalation in the US election campaign. President Biden is now urging unity - and his opponent is making his first appearance after the shootings.

Biden in Oval Office
Biden in Oval Office

US Election - Trump Attack: Biden warns America of political violence

Before the nomination of Donald Trump as the Republican Party's presidential candidate, US President Joe Biden warned about violence in the campaign with a look towards the shocking attack on the 78-year-old. "We settle our differences at the ballot box. That's how it's done - at the ballot box, not with bullets," Biden said in a rare address to the nation from the Oval Office in the White House.

The political debate in the country has become very heated. "It's time to cool it down," Biden urged. "We all have a responsibility to do so." Violence is not a solution, Biden emphasized. "We are not enemies." Trump, meanwhile, held an event in the US state of Wisconsin the day after the dramatic scenes in Pennsylvania, where he was officially nominated as a candidate for the November election.

An evening speech from the President's office, which is broadcast live on television, is reserved for crisis moments and major upheavals in the country. Exactly for this reason, the United States is currently dealing with the shooting attack against Presidential candidate Trump. The attack caused worldwide shock and fueled fears of a political violence spiral in the USA. Trump will challenge Democratic incumbent Biden in the Presidential election on November 5.

Shooting at Trump

A man shot Trump at a campaign rally in the state of Pennsylvania on Saturday and wounded him in the ear. The suspect, according to the FBI, is a 20-year-old man from the region. He was killed by security forces. No motive has been identified by investigators, but the FBI is reportedly assuming that the shooter acted alone.

He allegedly fired a semi-automatic rifle, an AR-15. The family of the shooter is cooperating with the authorities. One firefighter and family man, who was among the spectators at the event, was killed in the shooting. Two other participants were seriously injured.

In his speech, Biden paid tribute to the victim as a hero who had stood in the face of deadly bullets for his family. The US President reiterated: "I will continue to fight for our democracy, for our constitution and the rule of law, and call for action at the ballot box without resorting to violence on our streets." This is how democracy should function, he emphasized. "We stand for an America not of extremism and anger, but of decency and kindness."

Biden urges strongly

"Here in America, we need to come out of our silos where we only listen to those with whom we agree," Biden urged. He warned against misinformation and "foreign actors who fan the flames of our division to influence election results that serve their interests, not ours."

The 81-year-old also mentioned the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Trump supporters had stormed the Capitol building in Washington to protest the formal confirmation of Biden's election victory by Congress. Trump had incited his supporters at a rally beforehand with unsubstantiated claims that his election loss was due to massive fraud.

Preparations in Milwaukee

Meanwhile, the final preparations are underway in Milwaukee for the Republican National Convention, which begins on Monday in Trump's presence. For Thursday evening (local time), a major speech by the 78-year-old is planned. Trump is certain to be nominated by the party delegates. The Secret Service is currently planning no additional measures for the Mega-Event.

Anticipation builds as to who will run as Vice President candidate next to him. The organizers had planned for high security measures before the attack on Trump. The police presence is already immense, numerous streets are closed. In the city center, fences and concrete barriers stand. Only those with proper security clearance can approach the event grounds.

Security at the Convention in Focus

After the attack, the question arises as to whether the event and Trump were sufficiently protected. Biden had announced an independent investigation to clarify what exactly happened. Justice Minister Merrick Garland instructed investigative authorities to "use all available resources."

The political atmosphere in the United States has been heated for years. The US Justice Department lamented at the beginning of the year an "alarmingly increasing number of threats" against public officials and democratic institutions in the country.

  1. Despite the warning from President Joe Biden about potential violence during the US Election campaign, Donald Trump proceeded with his campaign rally in the state of Wisconsin.
  2. Biden's address from the Oval Office was a call to cool down the political debate in the United States of America, urging everyone to take responsibility for reducing the tension.
  3. The shooting incident at Donald Trump's campaign rally in Pennsylvania sparked worldwide shock and fear of a political violence spiral in the USA.
  4. The suspect in the shooting, a 20-year-old man, reportedly acted alone and was killed by security forces.
  5. The US President emphasized the importance of democracy and the rule of law, calling for action at the ballot box instead of resorting to violence.
  6. Biden warned against misinformation and foreign actors who fuel division for their own interests, mentioning the storming of the Capitol as a recent example.
  7. The final preparations for the Republican National Convention are underway in Milwaukee, with a major speech from Trump scheduled for Thursday evening.
  8. High security measures were planned for the Convention, but after the shooting incident, questions arise about whether sufficient protection was provided.
  9. The Justice Department expressed concern about the increasing number of threats against public officials and democratic institutions in the USA.
  10. The FBI is still investigating the motive behind the shooting and has reportedly asked the family of the suspect for cooperation.
  11. Republican incumbent Joe Biden and Donald Trump will face off in the US Presidential election on November 5, with Biden vowing to fight for democracy and the rule of law.
  12. The attack on Trump at the campaign rally in Pennsylvania underscores the volatile political climate in the United States leading up to the US Election 2024.

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