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Trump at rally: Will be President for all of America

Trump's speech is the grand finale of the Republican Party convention in Milwaukee. The 78-year-old presents himself as the unity candidate.

Great joy for Trump at the convention in Milwaukee.
Great joy for Trump at the convention in Milwaukee.

US election campaign - Trump at rally: Will be President for all of America

The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump campaigns to be "a President for all Americans." "The discord and division in our society must be healed," Trump said at the beginning of his big speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. "As Americans, we are bound together by one fate and a common destiny. We rise together, or we fall apart," the 78-year-old said.

Trump accepted the nomination as the Republican presidential candidate to great applause at the beginning of the multi-day spectacle. The former U.S. President was officially designated as the nominee earlier. This was a formal step. In the party primaries, Trump had already reached the necessary number of delegate votes in March.

  1. In anticipation of the US Election 2024, the Republicans are hoping that their party's nominee, Donald Trump, can once again lead America towards unity.
  2. Despite the election being held in a different city, Trump chose to deliver his acceptance speech for the Republican nomination in Milwaukee, just as he had done during his first presidential campaign.
  3. The US campaign for the Republicans in the 2024 presidential election promises to be an exciting affair, with Donald Trump set to contest against potential candidates from the Democratic Party.
  4. As the 2024 US electionapproaches, the two major political parties in the United States of America will engage in intense campaigns, with the Republicans trumpeting their platform of unity and continuity under the leadership of Donald Trump.

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