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Trump asserts that Harris' presence would result in "devastation and demise"

Trump asserts that Harris' presence would result in "devastation and demise"

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump embarks on his rebuttal to the Democrat Party's convention, focusing on swing states like Michigan. At a police station event in Howell, the 78-year-old Trump addressed the issue of crime. He claims that in major American cities, people are too scared to step out to buy bread due to the high crime rates. "You risk getting shot, robbed, or raped," he alleged. "You have great cities where people are so terrified they're abandoning our nation's urban areas."

As tradition follows, Trump sees the Democrats, particularly candidate Kamala Harris, as responsible for the crime wave. "If Kamala Harris ascends to the presidency, she'll bring chaos, riots, destruction, and death to the USA," Trump warned. He pledged, in contrast, to return law and order, security, and tranquility. Carrying on his usual approach, Trump portrays immigrants as the fundamental cause of criminal activity, underscoring their supposed connection to non-existent global prison empties and protests in the US.

Referring to his ongoing run for the November 5th election, Trump shared his frustration with recent accusations. "I cherish this nation...I didn't have to campaign, but I've been charged more times than Al Capone," he said, comparing himself to the notorious crime figure Al Capone (1899-1947). However, Capone was indicted six times during his reign—more than the count Trump stated.

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CNN reported on public records, stating Capone was prosecuted six times. Trump himself has faced four criminal charges within the past year and a half: in Georgia and Washington for his attempts to influence the 2020 election results, in Florida for the relocation of secret government documents, and in New York for the concealment of payment for confidential reports. In May, he was found guilty in that latter case.

Despite being a convicted felon, Trump denies all allegations and brands all investigations as an attempt to tarnish his campaign. Trump commented, "If my parents were watching from above, they'd wonder, 'What happened to such a good man?'"

The Democratic Party Convention commenced in Chicago on Monday, with Harris in the spotlight—Trump's primary rival. Responding, Trump and his running mate J.D. Vance present a contrasting program, touring the crucial swing states where the election result is still unclear. The swing states are vital—there, the electoral balance between the Republicans and Democrats is still up in the air. Additional events have been scheduled for North Carolina, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada, among others.

In his criticism of the Democratic Party and its candidate Kamala Harris, Trump asserts that if Harris becomes president, she'll lead the country to chaos and high crime rates. During his campaign, Trump often blames Democrats and immigrants for the rise in crime rates in major American cities.

In the wake of numerous criminal charges against him, Trump continues to deny any wrongdoing and accuses his opponents of launching a political smear campaign against him. This stance has led some to question whether his reputation is being tarnished intentionally.

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