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Trump and Biden attack each other in TV debate

On abortion and the economy

Around four months before the election, the first TV duel between the two designated candidates...
Around four months before the election, the first TV duel between the two designated candidates Trump and Biden takes place.

Trump and Biden attack each other in TV debate

After four years, Trump and Biden face off in another TV debate. The challenger attacks the incumbent on issues of migration and economic policy. The Democrat tries to counter.

Former US President Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden severely during the first TV debate in the ongoing presidential campaign, accusing him of poor economic policy. "Inflation is killing us. It's absolutely killing us," Trump said Thursday evening (local time). Biden had made a bad job, Trump claimed. The topic of economics was the first debate topic. The Democrat Biden defended his record. "But there's still more to be done. (...) The working class is still struggling," Biden said.

Biden stated that he had taken over an economy at his inauguration in January 2021 that was "on the verge of collapse." Trump, in turn, praised his own record during his tenure. He also praised his handling of the Corona pandemic. Repeatedly, Trump deviated from the given topic and spoke about immigration policy instead. He accused Biden of failure, while Biden accused Trump of lying.

The US economy is actually in good shape. The inflation rate has significantly decreased, and the labor market situation is also good. Despite the rapid interest rate hikes by the US Federal Reserve to combat high consumer prices, a recession has been avoided. However, this does not seem to be apparent to the American people. Many citizens are frustrated with the still high prices in supermarkets or the high credit costs.

Regarding the topic of abortion, Trump pointed out that he had appointed judges to the Supreme Court who had returned the decision on abortion from the federal government to the states. "All experts have demanded this," Trump said. The Supreme Court ruled in 2022, after nearly 50 years of controversy, that a landmark abortion ruling from 1973, known as Roe vs. Wade, was no longer valid. While pro-conservative groups celebrated the decision as a victory, the Republicans have lost important votes since then.

  1. The US presidential election in 2024 is expected to see a rematch between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, with TV debates being a crucial part of the political landscape in the USA.
  2. Amidst ongoing political tensions, Donald Trump and Joe Biden engaged in heated TV debates during the 2024 campaign, addressing various topics such as immigration, economic policy, and abortion.
  3. As the 2024 US presidential race progresses, both Trump and Biden have indicated interest in participating in scheduled TV debates, allowing them to showcase their policies and argue their case directly to the American public.

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