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Training to become a nursing assistant - first graduating class

In 2020, the new general nursing program was introduced. The first graduates have now successfully completed the three-year training.

The three-year training program for the generic nursing profession was introduced in 2020 (symbol...
The three-year training program for the generic nursing profession was introduced in 2020 (symbol photo).

Health - Training to become a nursing assistant - first graduating class

Since the introduction of the generalized nursing training four years ago, the first graduating class has successfully completed the training. In Brandenburg, 661 people were trained as nursing professionals for women, and in Berlin 1,097 people were trained as nursing professionals for men. This information comes from a press release from the Statistics Office Berlin-Brandenburg.

With the Pflegeberufegesetz that came into effect in 2020, the three previous training programs in geriatric care, health and nursing care, and health and child nursing care were combined into a single nursing training profession.

More than 40% failed the final exam

Approximately half of the students in both states completed the training successfully: in Brandenburg 51.7%, and in Berlin 51.9%. 43.4% in Brandenburg and 41.5% in Berlin dropped out. 4.9% of the students in Brandenburg and 6.6% in Berlin completed the training but did not pass the final exam.

In Brandenburg, there are 43 and in Berlin 50 state-recognized training institutions where health professions are trained. The three-year generalized nursing training is reportedly the most heavily occupied training profession in the entire metropolitan region's healthcare institutions since its introduction in 2020. Of the total of 6,003 trainees in Brandenburg and 10,355 trainees in Berlin, 10,174 students were aiming for a degree as a nursing professional, according to the statement.

Student numbers have risen, number of teachers remains stable

While the number of students in health care training institutions increased by 9.1% in Brandenburg and 61.8% in Berlin during the 2023/24 school year compared to the 2019/20 school year, the number of teachers remained stable. In Brandenburg, the number of teachers decreased by 5.2%, and in Berlin by 3.1%.

In total, 15,443 students were taught at the healthcare training institutions in the metropolitan region in 2022 by 2,572 teachers. In the current school year 23/24, 2,452 teachers are teaching 16,358 trainees.

  1. A caregiver from Brandenburg mentioned during a health seminar that they found the three-year generalized nursing training to be rigorous yet rewarding, being one of the many individuals trained in the heavily occupied profession.
  2. The Care Professions Association in Berlin advocates for continuing education programs for caregivers, emphasizing the importance of maintaining high health standards within the 1,097 male nursing professionals they helped train.
  3. Despite the high demand for nursing professionals in both Brandenburg and Berlin, there are concerns about the stability of teachers in care professions training institutions, with a decrease observed specifically in Berlin since 2020.

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