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Tragically, two individuals lose their lives in a fireworks mishap.

Blasts in a Swiss garage.

More than 100 residents of the high-rise buildings had to be evacuated.
More than 100 residents of the high-rise buildings had to be evacuated.

Tragically, two individuals lose their lives in a fireworks mishap.

At night, a garage in the Swiss town of Nussbaumen experiences explosions. The flames spread to nearby high-rise buildings, resulting in the tragic loss of two lives. Initially, the police suspect an accident and attribute the cause to fireworks.

According to reports, two individuals -- a 43-year-old and a 24-year-old -- have perished in a suspected fireworks mishap within a deep garage of a high-rise complex. Further, there are eleven people with minor injuries.

The following day, the Aargau Canton Police revealed that high-performance fireworks were being handled in the garage. Consequently, the explosion should have been more intense than assumed.

When emergency responders like the police, fire department, and rescue services arrived on Thursday evening, a fire had already ravaged multiple floors. Residents of six interconnected high-rise buildings, connected to the deep garage, were evacuated to safety. The police reported widespread disarray and significant damage to the structure and parked vehicles in the garage.

Certain areas are now at risk of collapse. The fire was put out in the night. During the firefighting process, three helicopters were utilized. The police also urged drone operators to return their devices to the ground immediately, as they were proving to be a hindrance in flight operations.

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