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Tragic incident results in twelve fatalities on a channel boat voyage.

During the voyage en route to Britain, a refugee boat sadly experiences capsizing. French assistants manage to save numerous individuals from the water's depths. Regrettably, there are also casualties.

In an emergency rescue situation close to Le Portel, situated near Boulogne-sur-Mer, 65 individuals...
In an emergency rescue situation close to Le Portel, situated near Boulogne-sur-Mer, 65 individuals were saved from the water. Regrettably, twelve of these individuals were discovered deceased.

- Tragic incident results in twelve fatalities on a channel boat voyage.

In the English Channel, adjacent to northern France's coastline, a migrant vessel tipped over on a Tuesday, resulting in the loss of twelve lives. As stated by France's present Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, most of the fatalities were females. Minor victims were also part of the tragic incident. By the evening, two surviving casualties were still receiving critical care.

The maritime prefecture confirmed no further missing persons by the evening. Rescue operations near the coastal town of Le Portel, close to Boulogne-sur-Mer, drew in 65 individuals, with 12 of them being recovered deceased. Some of the rescued individuals required immediate medical attention. Various ships and helicopters collaborated in the rescue mission. All migrants aboard the overturned vessel, sailing towards the United Kingdom, were submerged in the sea.

Minister Darmanin expressed his feelings at the site of the tragedy, "This is a tragedy that impacts us all." The people were aboard a tiny vessel, barely six meters in length. The judiciary has commenced a probe. The minister further advocated for a migration agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom.

Britain's Interior Minister Yvette Cooper also conveyed her shock and condemned the activities of human smuggling groups. The aforementioned groups cram more individuals into boats lacking seaworthiness and send them out amidst harsh weather, Cooper critiqued on X.

Overloading of migrants without life jackets

France 3 reported that the migrant vessel was overflowing with migrants, devoid of life jackets. "I'm speechless, it sends a chill down my spine," remarked Dany Patoux, chairman of the migrant aid organization Osmose 62, to the station in light of the body bags on the pier.

"We are appalled by the tragic deaths in the latest incident in the English Channel," stated Enver Solomon, CEO of the British refugee aid organization Refugee Council. "The number of fatalities in the English Channel in 2022 has been disconcertingly high. This is a concerning trend that calls for urgent, comprehensive, and multifaceted measures to reduce unsafe crossings in the English Channel."

Migrants frequently undertake the English Channel journey, aiming for Britain, often in small inflatable boats. The crossing poses risks due to the stream's navigated by numerous large ships. Lives are frequently lost during these crossings. In November 2021, 31 lives were lost when a boat capsized off the northern French coast, including five women and a young girl.

Britain's attempts to prevent migration across the English Channel

Britain has been striving to limit migration across the English Channel for some time, with French assistance and by investing millions into France. The previous Conservative government intended to discourage migrants with a stern strategy - for instance, by planning to deport them to Rwanda, irrespective of their origin country.

However, the current British Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, having assumed power with his social democratic Labour Party since July, has annulled the plan following criticisms from courts and human rights organizations. Starmer has declared his commitment to tackling human smuggling groups. Just a few days ago, Starmer met with French President Emmanuel Macron to discuss migration across the English Channel.

The emergency services were quickly deployed to the scene after receiving reports of the vessel overturning. Due to the overcrowding and lack of life jackets on the vessel, this emergency situation unfortunately resulted in numerous fatalities.

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