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Tragic incident in Bremen: Mother and child perish in a blaze

Heartbreaking Incident in the Kid's Area

In the aftermath, firefighters sadly announced the demise of the woman and the two young ones.
In the aftermath, firefighters sadly announced the demise of the woman and the two young ones.

Tragic incident in Bremen: Mother and child perish in a blaze

A blaze ignites in the kids' room of a Bremen dwelling during the wee hours. Despite the father's attempts, he fails to put out the flames and suffers severe injuries. Consequently, he is rushed to the hospital. Alas, the assistance arrives too late for the mother and her twin-aged and six-year-old offspring.

In the Ellener Feld district of Bremen, the tragic incident of a fire in a kid's room occurred. As per the fire department, they reported late in the night.

Upon arrival of the emergency services, they donned their respirators and entered the burning abode. In the children's room, they found the 35-year-old mother and her two children aged three and six years, lifeless.

The rescue team attempted to revive them. "Alas, our efforts proved futile," the fire department revealed. The father, aged 36, believed to have attempted to extinguish the fire himself, sustained severe injuries and was required to be hospitalized.

The fire department's arrival at the scene was unfortunately too late to save the mother and her children. The father's attempts to put out the flames resulted in unfortunate severe injuries.

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