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Traffic light postpones easier naturalization and asylum package

New consultations not until 2024

SPD and Greens want changes to the reform of citizenship law - FDP
SPD and Greens want changes to the reform of citizenship law - FDP

Traffic light postpones easier naturalization and asylum package

After a long struggle, the traffic light coalition agrees on the 2024 budget. However, other projects have to be postponed until next year. For example, the SPD, Greens and FDP cannot agree on the reform of the citizenship law or the planned asylum package.

Interior and legal politicians in the traffic light coalition will have to postpone some of their projects originally planned for this year until 2024. According to reports from coalition circles, the attempt to put the final consultation and vote on the reform of citizenship law and the so-called Return Improvement Act on the agenda failed this week. According to reports, the main reason for this is that the FDP is resisting the coalition partners' requests for changes.

According to the draft law, immigrants should be able to become citizens after just five years in Germany, provided they can support themselves without state assistance. Previously, they had to live in the country for at least eight years. If they perform well at school or at work, have good language skills or are involved in voluntary work, naturalization should be possible after just three years. Anyone who wants a German passport should no longer have to give up their old one. This already applies to EU citizens and some special cases, but not to people from Turkey, for example.

By simplifying procedures, Ampel also wants to ensure that deportations no longer fail so often at the last minute, for example because the person concerned cannot be found. To this end, the maximum duration of detention pending deportation is to be extended. Representatives of the authorities should also be allowed to enter rooms other than the deportee's room in shared accommodation.

In the initial debate on both bills, the Greens called for improvements. For example, they called for exceptions so that disabled people and people who have become unemployed through no fault of their own could be naturalized even if they were claiming social benefits.

Plans for a new Federal Police Act and the so-called quick freeze procedure for securing IP addresses of suspected criminals have also been on the back burner for months. Both projects have yet to be referred to the cabinet because there is no agreement between Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser and Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann.

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