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Tourism industry in Saxon Switzerland satisfied

Two years ago, parts of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains were affected by a devastating forest fire. Tourism also suffered as a result. Now a good summer is expected.

The tourism industry is registering "a good booking situation and stable development". (archive...
The tourism industry is registering "a good booking situation and stable development". (archive picture)

Travel - Tourism industry in Saxon Switzerland satisfied

Vacation in the Elbsandsteingebirge is once again popular this summer. "We are registering a good booking situation and stable development in tourism. However, there are still some vacant accommodations for last-minute bookers," said Tino Richter, head of the Saxon Switzerlands Tourism Association, to the German Press Agency.

Exact numbers for overnight stays only go up to April. Accordingly, 373,199 overnight stays were registered in the first four months of this year. That's slightly more than in the record year 2019 (366,699). The Tourism Association hopes that the boom will continue.

According to Richter, many hikers are currently using the Malerweg. It is 116 kilometers long and connects numerous highlights of the Elbsandsteingebirge. From Liebethal, it leads through the rock world of the Saxon Switzerland National Park to the Bohemian border and on the left Elbe bank through the realm of the Table Mountains to Pirna. A total of 3,600 meters in height need to be overcome, and the hiking time is indicated as 46 hours.

His name reminds us that many painters like Ludwig Richter and Caspar David Friedrich provided romantic views of the rocks in the Saxon Switzerland with their paintings. The 250th birthday of Caspar David Friedrich also attracted international attention, it was reported.

Association: Forest fire 2022 plays no significant role in the perception of guests

At the end of July 2022, a forest fire broke out in a remote area of the Saxon Switzerland National Park and had spread to an area of approximately 150 hectares. Hundreds of firefighters from other parts of Saxony and Germany were occupied with the firefighting efforts for weeks.

For the forests in the district, a ban on entry was in effect, which caused many vacationers to cancel their vacations in the Saxon Switzerland. Richter stated that the forest fire plays no noticeable role in the perception of the guests anymore. The cancellations in overnight stay numbers could already be made up for in 2023.

"We are optimistic and looking forward to a stable season with guests, despite the challenges of last-minute bookings and the tense personnel situation overall," said Richter.

The Elbsandsteingebirge, located in Saxony, is one of the popular destinations for tourism this summer. Tino Richter, head of the Saxon Switzerlands Tourism Association, mentioned that they're experiencing a good booking situation and some vacant accommodations for last-minute bookers.

The Malerweg, a 116-kilometer hiking trail in the Elbsandsteingebirge, is attracting many hikers. This trail connects various highlights of the national park, including Pirna, a town nestled at the left Elbe bank.

Despite the forest fire that occurred in the Saxon Switzerland National Park in July 2022, Tino Richter stated that the incident no longer plays a significant role in the perception of guests. He added that the cancellations in overnight stay numbers could potentially be made up for in 2023.

German Romantic painters like Ludwig Richter and Caspar David Friedrich gained fame by capturing the romantic views of the rocks in Saxon Switzerland with their artworks. The 250th birthday of Caspar David Friedrich attracted international attention.

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