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To stop Le Pen: More than 200 candidates opt for tactical withdrawal

The right-wing Rassemblement National could win an absolute majority in the parliamentary elections in France. To prevent this from happening, many candidates are standing down.

The party of right-wing populist Marine Le Pen could win an absolute majority in the parliamentary...
The party of right-wing populist Marine Le Pen could win an absolute majority in the parliamentary elections. Many candidates want to prevent this

France election - To stop Le Pen: More than 200 candidates opt for tactical withdrawal

Five days before the decisive round of the French Parliament election, over 200 candidates from the runoff have withdrawn to prevent a takeover by the Right-wing populists. By the deadline on Tuesday evening, at least 214 candidates had given up participating in the upcoming Sunday's second round, according to a count by news agency AFP.

Given the high voter turnout, three candidates qualified for the runoff in over 300 of the 577 constituencies in the first round on Sunday. In nearly half of these cases, the candidate from the right-wing Rassemblement National (RN) party was in the lead. If the third-place candidates withdraw, this reduces the RN candidate's chances of winning the runoff.

The Right-wing Populists are leading in the Parliamentary election

According to the first projection by the website "Le Grand Continent," the withdrawal of candidates could prevent the RN from achieving an absolute majority. However, this is difficult to assess as voters do not necessarily follow electoral recommendations. The level of voter turnout is also crucial.

"Ultimately, the French will decide based on their conscience and not on electoral recommendations," said an advisor to President Emmanuel Macron. "But mathematically, the risk of an absolute majority for the RN is reduced."

Some RN candidates have also announced they will not participate in the second round. These candidates could expect support from the candidates they might have helped win, later in the National Assembly.

Meanwhile, the Right-wing populists have stated they intend to form a government even without an absolute majority. They plan to include supporters from other parties and representatives of civil society, said former party leader Marine Le Pen on Tuesday to the broadcaster France Inter. "It will be a competent government," she emphasized. "If we get a majority, we will naturally do what the voters have elected us for."

Le Pen intends to approach representatives of other parties

This stance diverges from the previous position of party chief Jordan Bardella, who had only intended to assume the premiership in the event of an absolute majority. "If we have approximately 270 seats and still need 19 deputies, we will approach others," said Le Pen. "Several right-wing, as well as left-wing, deputies have shown alignment with our positions."

However, reports are growing about RN candidates raising concerns over their competence. A candidate in the Calvados department, Ludivine Daoudi, withdrew from the runoff after a photo of her with an NS-Luftwaffe umbrella with a swastika was made public. In the first round, she had received 20% of the votes.

Another RN candidate in the Jura department might not be able to take office if he wins in the second round due to legal guardianship because of psychological issues. The 65-year-old had come in second place with 33% of the votes.

An RN candidate in the Mayenne department dismissed racism allegations against her party by stating that her dentist was Muslim and her ophthalmologist was Jewish. Another candidate had previously gained attention for a hostage situation at the Ernée town hall.

In the runoff election coming up this Sunday, the seat distribution in the National Assembly will be decided. For an absolute majority, 289 out of 577 seats are required.

The withdrawal of over 200 candidates in the runoff election, as reported by AFP, aims to prevent a takeover by the Right-wing populists in France's Parliamentary election. Despite the high voter turnout, the Rassemblement National (RN) party is leading in many constituencies, posing a threat to the opposition. Some RN candidates, like the one in Calvados who withdrew due to a controversial photo, have raised concerns before the second round.

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