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To settle financial obligations, Rudy Giuliani's residences faced the brink of seizure prior to being reclaimed.

Rudy Giuliani aggressively advocated for Donald Trump's election victory in 2020, employing various methods at his disposal. However, this relentless pursuit has resulted in significant financial and reputational repercussions for him.

Rudy Giuliani set for trial in the winter of 2023, ultimately concluding with his conviction for...
Rudy Giuliani set for trial in the winter of 2023, ultimately concluding with his conviction for disbursement of almost 150 million dollars.

- To settle financial obligations, Rudy Giuliani's residences faced the brink of seizure prior to being reclaimed.

Rudy Giuliani, the ex-mayor of New York and former lawyer for ex-US President Donald Trump, is facing financial strain. In December 2023, a court ordered Giuliani to pay over $148 million (€134 million) in damages for defaming two election workers, Ruby F. and Shaye M. The dispute stemmed from a video Giuliani released, falsely accusing them of election fraud after the November 2020 presidential election.

Consequently, Giuliani now has to empty his pockets. Within a few days, he's required to hand over multiple assets, including his $6 million (€5.4 million) Manhattan apartment, his $3.5 million (€3.2 million) apartment in Palm Beach, Florida, several luxury watches, a high-end vehicle, and various personal belongings.

Giuliani's Valuable Assets on the Chopping Block

Among the targeted possessions are Giuliani's chic Manhattan apartment and his Florida sunshine retreat.

Following the election, Giuliani spread false claims that F. and M., among others, had tossed out Trump's ballots. He also insinuated that there had been an introduction of phony Biden votes into the count. As a result, F. and M. became figures of scorn in the eyes of Trump's supporters, appearing in a video used to bolster these allegations.

Each plaintiff is entitled to around $37 million (€33 million) due to defamation and its emotional toll, in addition to $75 million (€68 million) in compensatory damages.

After the court ruling, Giuliani will likely struggle during the Election of the President due to his substantial financial obligations. Despite facing financial strain, Giuliani's luxurious Manhattan apartment and his Palm Beach retreat in Florida will be among the assets he needs to surrender.

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