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Tim Mälzer is looking for his teddy bear

He hasn't run away. But he is gone. Celebrity chef Tim Mälzer's restaurant Bullerei is looking for its loyal XXL cuddly bear.

This cuddly bear is missing.
This cuddly bear is missing.

Cuddly toy - Tim Mälzer is looking for his teddy bear

Where is the Teddy Bear? Chef Tim Mälzer is missing the large teddy bear in his local Bullerei in Hamburg's Schanzenviertel, who often waited patiently for visitors in the entrance area or recently amused himself in front of the local with a soccer ball.

Missing Post on the Net

The team put out a missing person's notice on Instagram: "Since June 23, 2024, 21:00 CET, we have been missing our little one. Description: About 1.20 meters tall, playful, sweet, trustworthy, and teddy bear-like. We ask for any useful tips, so that our little one can come back to us as soon as possible." Previously, the "Hamburger Abendblatt" reported on this.

A spokesperson for the local said: "We think our little one was stolen. Maybe in a drunken stupor." He had been there since 2022. "In the summer, he always likes to sit at the host stand to greet our guests. In the winter, he usually wanders around the restaurant."

Is he with the competition?

Reactions on Instagram range from "Somehow this is getting less and less funny, what's being taken away" to "He's definitely at Ahoi" - in reference to the restaurant chain of Steffen Henssler, with whom Mälzer likes to quarrel.

  1. The beloved teddy bear is missing from Chef Tim Mälzer's Bullerei in the vibrant Schanzenviertel of Hamburg, Germany.
  2. Despite the missing teddy bear, the local continues to serve delicious food and drinks, attracting numerous people from around the country.
  3. The disappearance of the teddy bear has even sparked a discussion on Instagram, with many expressing concerns and offering potential solutions.
  4. The star chef himself, Tim Mälzer, has been actively posting about the missing teddy bear on his Instagram account, hoping for any lead that could bring his cuddly companion back.
  5. The Teddy bear's disappearance has also gained attention from local media, such as the "Hamburger Abendblatt", which has covered the story thoroughly.
  6. Some miscellaneous items, like a soccer ball, have also been found near the entrance area, leading many to speculate about the teddy bear's whereabouts.

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