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Thunderstorms moving over Southwest - Damages and Injuries

Unguarded trees and lightning strikes: Strong weather has hit Baden-Württemberg. The police report damages and several injured, among them a child.

Weather systems moved over the Southwest on Friday, leaving their traces (Archive photo)
Weather systems moved over the Southwest on Friday, leaving their traces (Archive photo)

Bad weather - Thunderstorms moving over Southwest - Damages and Injuries

Heavy thunderstorms have passed over Baden-Württemberg on Friday. Fire department and police were called out due to flooded roads, accidents and lightning strikes. Several people were injured according to police reports.

According to a police spokesperson, an eight-year-old boy was hit by an uprooted tree in Ostelsheim (District Calw) in the afternoon. The extent of the child's injuries was initially unclear. There was also an accident on the A6 autobahn in Ilshofen (District Schwaebisch Hall) in the afternoon due to heavy rain. Four people were lightly injured and taken to the hospital. The damage was estimated by the police at around 68,000 Euro.

The police station Ludwigsburg reported several weather-related incidents, such as aquaplaning accidents and uprooted trees. No injuries were reported. In the areas of the police stations Ulm and Offenburg, there were flooded roads.

Lightning strikes cause significant damage in Emmendingen

A lightning strike at a multi-family house in Emmendingen late on Friday evening caused a roof collapse. The police estimated the damage at around 500,000 Euro. The nine residents of the house remained unharmed and went to stay with relatives and acquaintances. According to reports, a thunderstorm had passed over the city shortly before midnight.

A police spokesperson reported three lightning strikes in the jurisdiction of the Ravensburg police station. However, no damage was reported in any of the cases. No injuries or major damages were reported either. Two houses in Bad Waldsee (District Ravensburg) and in Friedrichshafen (Bodenseekreis) each sustained damage from lightning strikes. A stable building in Ravensburg was hit by a lightning strike.

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), there will be showers and thunderstorms in certain areas on Saturday. The Sunday is expected to start sunny, but there is a possibility of strong cloud cover in the afternoon. Temperatures of up to 27 degrees are forecast, but it will remain dry. According to the weather experts, there will be summer temperatures of 26 to 31 degrees on Monday. In the mountainous areas, heavy showers and thunderstorms are expected.

In response to the thunderstorms, the fire department in Stuttgart was also called out for multiple flooded buildings. A vehicle in Swabian Hall was severely damaged due to a hailstorm. Unfortunately, a group of children playing near a park in Ilshofen were caught in the storm and had to seek shelter. The Weather in Southwest Germany continues to be unpredictable, with fluctuations between sunny skies and heavy weather patterns.

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