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Thunder over Saarland - many uprooted trees

A thunderstorm and heavy rain pass over Saarland. In some areas it is called 'land under'. There were dozens of weather-related blockages.

A thunderstorm brought down many trees
A thunderstorm brought down many trees

Weather, unfavorable - Thunder over Saarland - many uprooted trees

A thunderstorm with heavy rain flooded streets in Saarland and knocked down trees. Around 80 weather-related incidents occurred, mainly in the Saarbrücken Regional Association and Merzig District, said a spokesperson from the Situation Center early Tuesday morning. There were no injuries reported. The German Weather Service had announced on Sunday that it would be significantly warmer for the new week, but that some areas could also expect thunderstorms, heavy rain, and strong winds.

The thunderstorm brought unprecedented rain to Saarbrücken, causing temporary floods in several streets. Despite the previous forecast of warmer weather, the Saarland region experienced these severe weather conditions. After the thunderstorm passed, the city of Saarbrücken was left with wet roads and disrupted daily routines due to the fallen trees.

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