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Three men convicted of bomb attacks executed in Iran

Hanging carried out

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Three men convicted of bomb attacks executed in Iran

In Iran, three men convicted of bomb attacks in the province of Sistan-Baluchistan were executed by hanging on Monday, according to the judiciary. "The sentences against the perpetrators of the bomb attacks in Sahedan were carried out today," the official Iranian judicial website Misan Online quoted the chief judge of the south-eastern province as saying.

The men were found guilty of carrying out attacks on a police station and a patrol car in the city of Sahedan in 2019.

According to the information, the men were also convicted of "receiving military training, transferring and hiding bomb-making materials". They were also found guilty of membership of a Sunni jihadist group classified as "terrorist" by Iran, according to Misan Online.

Apart from China, Iran executes more people per year than any other country, according to human rights groups such as Amnesty International. This year, more than 600 people have been sentenced to death, according to the Norwegian-based organization Iran Human Rights.

In recent years, drug gangs, Baloch minority rebels and Sunni extremist groups have been involved in unrest in the impoverished province of Sistan-Balochistan, which borders Pakistan.

According to the Iranian news agency Irna, one soldier was killed and two others injured in a confrontation between Iranian border guards and a "terrorist group" near the border with Pakistan on Monday.




The court sees no urgent suspicion.

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