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Thousands protest against mass tourism on Mallorca

This was not the first demonstration of this kind in Spain: Thousands of people in Mallorca protested against mass tourism.

In various demonstrations on the topic are called for throughout all of Spain.
In various demonstrations on the topic are called for throughout all of Spain.

Protests in the holiday paradise - Thousands protest against mass tourism on Mallorca

Several Thousands of people went out on the streets of Mallorca to protest against mass tourism. The police estimated the number of participants to be 20,000. However, the organizers spoke of 50,000, which was considered too high by on-site observers.

People held posters with inscriptions like "Your luxury, our misery" or "We don't want to be the pioneers of rising housing costs". A sign criticized budget airlines. The demonstrators set off from Park Ses Estacions through the old town Palma.

Some tourists cheered in approval, others were rather annoyed.

According to the "Mallorca Newspaper", tourists were impressed by the demonstrators. Some even encouraged them and cheered. Others found the protest rather unpleasant.

On the Balearic Islands, whose main island is Mallorca, there are about 1.2 million residents. In the past year, they were visited by 18 million tourists, of whom 4.6 million were from Germany and 3.4 million from the United Kingdom. Or rather "invaded", as more and more locals see it.

Called to the rally was a group called "Less Tourism, More Life". According to Marga Ramis, one of the leaders behind the movement, over 100 associations and organizations have joined, as reported by the "Mallorca Newspaper".

Eight weeks ago, up to 25,000 people had demonstrated in Palma under the slogans "Say no!" and "Mallorca is not for sale!" Similar unrest was reported in other Spanish tourist metropolises like Barcelona and Málaga, as well as on the Canary Islands.

"Don't saw the branch on which you sit"

Tourism is undoubtedly crucial for Mallorca. The industry accounts for 45% of the island's economic output. And the tourism industry warns against sawing off the branch on which many sit. They inject around 20 billion euros into the island's economy.

However, demonstrators complain that only a minority profits, while the large majority receives low-wage jobs in the tourism industry, which do not suffice to pay for increasingly expensive housing. In addition, traffic jams, noise, and dirt are causing frustration among the islanders.

"Tourists go home"

"I understand the discontent of many residents, but I ask that such demonstrations do not, like in Barcelona, turn into vandalism against tourists and locals", said the conservative regional government head of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, to the "Mallorca Newspaper".

In the Mediterranean metropolis of Barcelona, several thousand demonstrators demanded restrictions for the tourism industry at the beginning of the month due to ever-rising housing and living costs. Guests of popular restaurants for tourists were sprayed with water pistols.

"Tourists go home. You are not welcome" was written on carried placards. The socialist mayor, Jaume Collboni, wants to increase the tax for cruise tourists and no longer renew licenses for vacation apartments.

  1. The demonstration against mass tourism in Mallorca attracted a significant number of people, with organizers claiming 50,000 participants and the police estimating 20,000.
  2. The "Less Tourism, More Life" movement, which called for the rally, has gained support from over 100 associations and organizations, according to Marga Ramis, one of its leaders.
  3. The Balearic Islands, with Mallorca as its main island, welcomed about 18 million tourists last year, with nearly half of them coming from Germany or the United Kingdom.
  4. The tourism industry in Mallorca contributes significantly to the local economy, generating around 20 billion euros and accounting for 45% of the island's economic output.
  5. Some tourists in Palma were supportive of the demonstrators, cheering them on and expressing their admiration, while others found the protest unpleasant.
  6. There have been similar protests against mass tourism in other Spanish tourist metropolises, such as Barcelona and Málaga, as well as on the Canary Islands, reflecting a growing discontent among local communities.

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