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This Instrument Identifies Corresponding Usernames across 400 Various Social Media Platforms

Examine individuals you currently engage with on various platforms, or verify if your chosen username is still vacant across numerous other websites.

This Device Identifies Corresponding Usernames Across 400 Various Social Media Platforms
This Device Identifies Corresponding Usernames Across 400 Various Social Media Platforms

This Instrument Identifies Corresponding Usernames across 400 Various Social Media Platforms

Want to verify if a specific online username you came across (or created yourself) is being utilized on various other social platforms or websites? Sleuth is a complimentary command-line tool that scans around approximately 400 social networks and uncovers accounts that correspond to the username you input.

Employing this service is a breeze: Simply open it up and key in "sleuth" followed by the username you wish to explore. The program will examine every site it has access to and inform you of where accounts matching your username are located, complete with a link to the corresponding profile page. This proves beneficial in two ways: identifying individuals across numerous websites and checking whether a username you're considering using is currently taken on other platforms.

Identify a specific username wherever it's registered

Obviously, the first scenario isn't foolproof. For instance, some individuals utilize different handles on different websites. Furthermore, accounts with the same name on different websites may not necessarily belong to the same person or brand (as shown in the screenshot at the top of this post, for example, the majority of the accounts do not represent Lifehacker). Nevertheless, merely knowing where other accounts with the same handle exist is a wonderful starting point if you're curious about which sites the person you're searching for frequently uses.

Confirm if your chosen username is available nearly anywhere

The second application, verifying whether a handle you're contemplating using is widely accessible across the web, is likely much more useful. Whether you're planning to establish a business or merely pondering a new online handle, it's beneficial to know whether someone else is already utilizing your preferred moniker.

Setting up Sleuth on macOS, Linux, and Windows

Sleuth may be helpful, but it can be somewhat tricky to configure.

On a Mac, the most straightforward approach is to install the service using Homebrew, which simplifies the process of installing and updating Mac applications. After installing Homebrew, you'll only need to open that app and input " to install. It's significantly simpler if you're a Linux user: Sleuth is probably already provided by your package manager.

Things aren't as straightforward on Windows, unfortunately. On that system, I recommend using setting up pipx for installation. This is a sort of package manager for Python scripts. The installation process may not be straightforward if you're not already comfortable with the command line, but as an overview, you'll need to install Python, then utilize pip to install pipx, then utilize pipx to install Sleuth. Yes, that's a considerable amount of setup for using a single simple tool. However, once everything is set up, Sleuth is incredibly simple to use and might just be worth the effort.

Using the tech tool Sleuth, you can find matching social media accounts associated with a specific username across over 400 platforms, making it easier to identify where the user is active online. Additionally, the tool is beneficial in confirming if a chosen username is available on various social media platforms, ensuring uniqueness and avoiding potential conflicts.

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