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"This budget will be adopted"

60 billion euros are missing from the federal government's plan following the debt brake ruling. However, this is no reason to delay the adoption of the budget, says Green politician Trittin on ntv. The Greens' foreign policy spokesman also criticizes left-wing opponents of Israel who portray the country as a colonial power.

Despite the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court on compliance with the debt brake, the federal government intends to finalize next year's budget this week. "This budget will be passed", Green politician Jürgen Trittin confirmed these plans in the ntv program "Frühstart". He thus contradicted demands from the CDU/CSU for a fundamental revision: the Climate and Transformation Fund (KTF) does need to be corrected, but this can also be done "in peace" after the budget has been passed, said the foreign policy spokesperson for the Green parliamentary group.

On Wednesday, the judges in Karlsruhe declared the shifting of 60 billion euros into the KTF, which had been taken on as government debt in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, to be illegal. The federal government must now cancel, reduce or otherwise finance numerous projects for which the KTF had funds available. The special assets in the KTF are separate from the budget, said Trittin. "So there is no reason not to adopt the budget."

From the point of view of the CDU/CSU, the traffic light system is continuing with the budget process as if nothing had happened. However, Trittin advises concentrating on what is due next week. The budget is significantly better than the draft by Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner. "It sends out better signals than before and this budget will be passed."

Trittin: Founding of Israel an anti-colonial act

With regard to the Middle East conflict, Trittin was cautious when it came to condemning Israel. Israel is defending itself against an enemy that is constantly committing war crimes, said Trittin. He believes that Germany is playing a wise role in the Middle East conflict. "We said very early on that Israel has the right and, incidentally, the duty of self-defense for the security of its citizens, but that this must of course be done within the framework of applicable international humanitarian law," said Trittin.

Internationally, however, large sections of the political left are clearly positioning themselves on the side of the Palestinians. In Belgium, for example, the deputy prime minister is calling for sanctions against Israel. In this context, Israel is often referred to as a colonial power. Trittin believes this is misguided. "It makes no sense to have a discourse that denies, for example, that the founding - the declaration of independence of the state of Israel - was an anti-colonial act, namely against the British occupiers, and to act as if the new colonial power in this region is Israel," said Trittin.

Christians, Jews and Muslims would continue to live in the region in the future and it was also Germany's responsibility to create a secure future for these people. This would only be possible with a two-state solution.

Freeing the hostages is of central importance

During his visit to Israel, however, it had become clear that the liberation of the hostages was an absolute priority for large sections of Israeli society at the moment. "I believe that this is of central importance for Israel's internal situation," said Trittin. "This does not mean that the relatives disapprove of the war against Hamas. They also believe that there will only be a release if there is continued military pressure on Hamas."

Jürgen Trittin does not believe in boycotting the G20 summit in view of Russian President Vladimir Putin's participation. There are such important players for international politics within the G20, such as South Africa, India and Brazil, that Germany and its allies should seek dialog with them. "And then at this summit, as has happened to Mr Lavrov on other occasions, we will speak plainly with Putin," said Trittin. Putin could be present at the summit and still be isolated - which he deserved.


