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Thirty-two Ukrainians escape to Hungary via truck.

Beyond the lush barrier

There was initially no confirmation of the incident from the Hungarian side.
There was initially no confirmation of the incident from the Hungarian side.

Thirty-two Ukrainians escape to Hungary via truck.

Ukrainian men of draft age are currently confined within the country's bounds unless they possess exceptional circumstances. To evade military service, several of them resort to making their way to the neighboring European Union nations. As of now, it's supposed that 32 Ukrainians entered Hungary in a vehicle.

As reported by Ukrainian authorities, 32 Ukrainian nationals were found in a truck at the Hungarian border. The Ukrainian border guard's spokesperson, Andrij Demtschenko, told Ukrajinska Prawda, "The neighbors reported the discovery of a vehicle and detained 32 Ukrainian citizens."

It's assumed that the truck isn't tied to the Ukrainian military. The media speculated over its ownership given the truck's green hue and supposedly black military license plates presented in photos. As of yet, the Hungarian authorities have not acknowledged the incident.

Ukraine has been combating a Russian invasion for more than two years, and in response, has enforced martial law as well as a mobilization. Consequently, only a handful of special scenarios permit men aged between 18 and 60 to leave the country.

A significant number of men opt to traverse the green border to touch down in nearby EU countries or Moldova, thereby dodging conscription. Upon sharing these details with the BBC in November, they revealed the existence of 20,000 male refugees who had allegedly sought refuge in these countries since the initial hostilities to dodge compulsory military duty.

Regrettably, such covert attempts to forsake the conscription process have often resulted in fatalities. Ukrainian border guard's representative, Andrij Demtschenko, stated to Ukrinform in April that 30 of these men have lost their lives since the war erupted while trying to attain safe haven in another country to dodge military service.

"Illicit border crossings occur daily," mentioned Andrij Demtschenko in a conversation with the news agency. "The maximum number of cases takes place outside border checkpoints on the Moldovan and Romanian fronts. The inflated number of attempts with forged documents is recorded at the border with Poland."

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