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Initially engaging in revelry, subsequently taking control of a vehicle? Strict laws surrounding this scenario have begun to soften, yet apprehension can still result in significant financial consequences.

Updated regulations for cannabis-impaired driving operations.
Updated regulations for cannabis-impaired driving operations.

- TheTopicUnderDiscussionHereInvolvesCannabisUseWhileDriving

It's commonly understood that drugs can make driving more hazardous, whether it's reacting to situations or recognizing risks. Despite this, after just one beer, many people are still allowed to drive. With partial cannabis legalization in Germany, new rules for driving after consumption have been introduced. This includes a legal limit for THC, similar to the 0.5% alcohol limit, in traffic violations. These changes, however, have been met with controversy.

The traffic light coalition's amendments to traffic law have been implemented, coinciding with the limited legalization of cannabis for adults to consume and grow under certain conditions since April 1st. The Federal Ministry of Transport explains that these regulations provide legal certainty and clarity. They also impose special regulations for novice and young drivers, significantly contributing to road safety.

Were the new regulations made more lenient?

Experts have been discussing new regulations for some time. Previously, any trace of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) would result in consequences. However, there was no legal limit, and a level of 1 nanogram per milliliter of blood had been established in case law. Experts suggested a "reasonable" increase in 2022, as the current limit was too low to penalize individuals without a measurable reduction in driving safety.

What is the exact limit now?

Driving with 3.5 nanograms or more of THC per milliliter of blood, either intentionally or negligently, can now result in a 500 euro fine and a one-month driving ban. This threshold follows the expert commission's recommendations, with the safety-relevant effect "not implausible" from this point. It is comparable to 0.2% alcohol and well below the risk increase threshold of 7 nanograms.

Who is subject to stricter cannabis regulations?

Combining cannabis with alcohol is now considered a new traffic offense. A 1,000 euro fine and a one-month driving ban can be expected in this case. For novice drivers, as with alcohol, cannabis is prohibited during the two-year probationary period and for those under 21. The 3.5 nanogram limit does not apply in these situations. The penalty is usually 250 euros.

Are there any exceptions to these rules?

The THC limit applies to all types of cannabis consumption, including joints, THC-containing foods, drinks, oils, and extracts. However, it does not apply if THC originates from a prescribed medicine for a specific medical condition. In controls, sensitive saliva tests should be used as a preliminary screening for current consumption, according to the bill's justification. However, a blood test is required if someone shows signs of impairment, regardless of a negative saliva test.

What are the effects of cannabis on driving?

Studies show that cannabis affects driving ability unsatisfactorily. The effect is not the same as that of alcohol, so it's impossible to "approach" the THC limit as suggested. The expert commission references studies on its effects. Safety-relevant effects occur strongest 20 to 30 minutes after consumption and subside after three to four hours. In occasional users, THC concentration decreases within hours. However, frequent users may accumulate THC in their bodies and have detectable THC levels in the blood for days to weeks.

What are the opinions on the new rules?

The ADAC considers the limit height plausible, stating that "Who drives, does not smoke!" The German Police Union, however, argues that the new limit is going in the wrong direction. It considers the previous threshold of 1 nanogram reasonable and highly valid and suggests that adjusting the alcohol limit values would have been a better approach to improving traffic safety.

The new THC limit for driving in Germany is set at 3.5 nanograms per milliliter of blood, as a result of the partial cannabis legalization. Novice and young drivers, as well as individuals under the age of 21, are subject to stricter regulations, with a penalty of 250 euros for cannabis consumption during the probationary period.

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