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These three nations - France, Germany, and the UK - are urging Iran to adhere to the nuclear agreement terms.

"Extremely concerning"

France, Germany and the UK urge Iran to comply with the nuclear agreement
France, Germany and the UK urge Iran to comply with the nuclear agreement

These three nations - France, Germany, and the UK - are urging Iran to adhere to the nuclear agreement terms.

Three nations – France, Germany, and the UK – are urging Iran to obey the Nuclear Agreement terms. The recent expansion of Iran's uranium enrichment capacity at the secretive Fordow facility has raised concerns, according to a joint statement released by these countries. The increased enrichment poses a significant risk that Iran might be working towards developing nuclear weapons, a claim fiercely denied by the Iranian government. In the statement, these countries call on Iran to abide by the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty.

This push from the European states comes following a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Thursday. According to the report, Iran has installed new centrifuges for uranium enrichment at their Fordow facility and is setting up more. The IAEA reveals that Iran is now enriching uranium up to 60 percent with the uranium isotope 235. Around 90 percent is needed for nuclear bombs. According to the IAEA, Iran possesses enough raw material to manufacture three nuclear bombs.

The situation stems from a disagreement over the 2015 Nuclear Agreement between the US, China, Russia, Germany, France, and the UK, on one side, and Iran, on the other. In 2018, former US President Donald Trump decided to unilaterally abandon the agreement, reinstating US sanctions against Iran. Following this move, Iran started breaching its commitments under the agreement. The agreement's purpose was to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. In exchange for control over its nuclear facilities, Iran was meant to receive alleviated international sanctions.

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