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Therefore, Biden's immediate resignation would harm Harris.

As a duo against Trump

In the Rose Garden in front of the White House: Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.
In the Rose Garden in front of the White House: Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.

Therefore, Biden's immediate resignation would harm Harris.

Since Joe Biden withdrew from the race for the White House, there have been calls for him to step down from the presidency. At first glance, this could benefit Kamala Harris, but a second look reveals risks.

Coronavirus may have helped. Due to health issues, Joe Biden had to suspend his official duties over the weekend, instead taking a break at his beach house. Withdrawing into an environment surrounded by his closest confidants and family, they gave him the strength to realize that the fight for the White House was almost lost.

Biden's statesmanlike duty was to let go of his own vision and limit his tenure. Biden had to step aside. For someone who harbored the dream of becoming US President since the 1980s, this shadow was quite long.

Biden Clears the Way for Harris

Now that the candidacy has been withdrawn, and voices continue to call for Biden to step down, it's not just his second term plans they want him to abandon but a complete withdrawal: resignation as President, and transfer of power to Kamala Harris.

At first glance, this has its appeal: Vice President Harris would have five months to profile herself as a ruling figure in the White House. She was relatively insignificant in the past three and a half years. Her competence in handling the issue of illegal immigration at the southern US border was not utilized for effective decisions. In migration policy, she is considered a failure. Therefore, there is a need for catch-up, as well as the opportunity to move more on the national and international stage.

However, this advantage comes with many disadvantages. With the job description for US President not being known in detail: it's not an insignificant amount of work. As long as Joe Biden is in the White House managing affairs, he holds Harris' back, and she can focus entirely on her campaign. For instance, her appearance in Milwaukee on Tuesday.

Harris must travel across the country. Well-staged campaign shows in the states are crucial, and they leave a greater impression on voters than a handshake with a foreign statesman in Washington. Moreover, the geographical distance to Washington can help Harris distinguish herself more from Joe Biden.

A Resignation Would Bolster Trump's Claims

A resignation by Biden from the office of US President would be seen by many as confirmation of what the Republicans are currently trying to propagate: that there had been efforts to hide Biden's senility in the White House for a long time. And even if there is no evidence for this, it was certainly not helpful that the President introduced Zelenskyy to Putin with Putin's name at the NATO summit. He quickly corrected himself.

A resignation would bolster the claims from the Trump camp and would therefore be dangerous for Harris: she is already having to defend herself against the allegation that she was involved in covering up Biden's poor health condition. At present, the defense that Biden is fully capable and effective, and another term would be too much, still works. If the President were to resign, the Trump camp would be right.

An important detail to note: The voices calling for Biden's resignation are predominantly Republican.

  1. If Joe Biden were to resign as U.S. President, as some Republicans have been advocating, it could potentially strengthen Donald Trump's claims about Biden's alleged senility in office.
  2. With Kamala Harris currently facing allegations of covering up Biden's health issues, a resignation by the president would make her defense more challenging, as it would lend credence to the Trump camp's claims.
  3. Should Biden decide to step down and hand over the presidency to Harris before the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, Republicans might view this as a strategic move by the Democrats that could benefit Harris in her bid for the presidency in 2024.

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