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The whirl around the selected AfD man continues

In Saarbrucken, a representative from the AfD party was elected as the deputy mayor in the District Council West. The FDP Saar criticizes CDU and SPD.

The election of an AFD representative as deputy district mayor causes trouble (image).
The election of an AFD representative as deputy district mayor causes trouble (image).

Municipal election - The whirl around the selected AfD man continues

The FDP Saar criticized the behavior of CDU and SPD sharply in the election of the deputy mayor to the Saarbrucken-West district council. The elected AfD candidate Werner Schwaben either received votes from CDU or SPD or both, criticized the FDP in Saarbrucken.

"Mutual blame games from CDU and SPD in retrospect help nobody - except the AfD." The AfD benefited from the fact that CDU and SPD could not agree in the run-up, so the FDP.

The CDU had to calculate the votes of the AfD for a majority in the election of the district mayor. "The election of the CDU local chairman in Heusweiler - despite an SPD offer to share the term of office - shows that the CDU's incompatibility ban in the Federal Party is simply ignored in the Saar-CDU," said FDP General Secretary Marcel Mucker.

Schwaben managed to secure ten votes against CDU candidate Volker Arnold in the secret ballot for deputy mayor in the Bezirksrat West of Saarbrucken on Thursday evening, according to the city of Saarbrucken. The AfD has five seats in the district council. The SPD has eight, the CDU six, Greens and the Linke each have one mandate. Four votes were invalid in this election.

In the election of the new district mayor, Amtsinhaberin Isolde Ries (SPD) applied for re-election with the strongest faction in the council, but only received ten votes. Elected was Hans-Jürgen Altes from the CDU faction with eleven votes. This raised speculation about possible AfD votes for him.

  1. Despite the sharp criticism from the FDP Saar towards CDU and SPD in the Saarbrucken-West district council election, the elected deputy mayor Werner Schwaben received votes from both parties, according to reports.
  2. The Saarland FDP expressed concern over the incompatibility issue within the CDU, pointing out how the CDU local chairman in Heusweiler disregarded the Federal Party's incompatibility ban.
  3. In the heated election of the deputy mayor in the Bezirksrat West of Saarbrucken, the AfD candidate Werner Schwaben emerged victorious with ten votes, securing his position against the CDU candidate Volker Arnold.
  4. The SPD, CDU, Greens, Linke, and AfD all held various seats in the district council after the municipal election, with the AfD having five mandates and the CDU holding six.
  5. The CDU's victory in the election of the new district mayor, with Hans-Jürgen Altes becoming the new mayor, sparked speculation about potential AfD votes that may have contributed to his election.

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