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The USA champions peaceful resolution in the Lebanon conflict

Washington will prevent a military escalation between Israel and the Hezbollah militia. So far unsuccessfully. The mutual shooting continues. Bleeding is flowing again in Syria.

Israel will prevent Iran and its affiliated militias like Hezbollah from expanding their influence...
Israel will prevent Iran and its affiliated militias like Hezbollah from expanding their influence in Syria (archive image)

Overview of the situation - The USA champions peaceful resolution in the Lebanon conflict

During Israel's military clashes with the Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the army in the north has to fend off renewed fire from Hamas affiliate Hezbollah in Lebanon. Around 20 rockets were fired from Lebanon towards Israel, the army stated late in the evening. Most of them were intercepted by Israel's missile defense system. There were no reported injuries. Earlier, the Israeli army had attacked a Hezbollah weapons cache in southern Lebanon.

According to Israeli media reports, some rockets landed in a city in northern Israel that was evacuated due to the conflict. One rocket hit a shopping mall, reported "The Times of Israel". The Iran-backed Hezbollah militia claimed responsibility for the firing of "dozens" of rockets and declared it a response to Israeli attacks in South Lebanon, the newspaper added.

USA call for diplomatic solution

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called for a diplomatic solution to the recently intensified conflict between his ally Israel and the Hezbollah militia. During a meeting with Israeli National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi and Israeli Minister for Strategic Affairs, Ron Dermer, Blinken spoke about the importance of "preventing further escalation along the Israeli-Lebanese border", according to the spokesperson for the US State Department, Matthew Miller, in Washington.

Israel and the Lebanese Shia militia Hezbollah have been engaging in near-daily battles since the start of the Gaza War. Around 150,000 people have left the combat zones on both sides. There is concern about the escalation into a regional conflict. Israel demands that the Hisbollah withdraws behind the 30-kilometer boundary from the border as per a UN resolution - as it has stated. The Iran-backed militia, however, will only stop firing if there is a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Blinken discussed with his Israeli interlocutors how important it is to "find a diplomatic solution that allows both Israeli and Lebanese families to return to their homes", Miller said. At the same time, Blinken reiterated the unwavering support of the United States for Israel's security. Additionally, it went about "practical solutions" for open issues in ongoing indirect negotiations over a truce and hostage release in the Gaza War.

Warning of large-scale war

The Gaza War was triggered by massacres and hostage-takings by Palestinian terror organizations such as Hamas in Israel on October 7, 2023. Hezbollah acts in solidarity with Hamas, according to its own statements. The "Libanon-Front" is a "support front," as Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah repeatedly emphasized. It is part of the fight that decides the fate of Palestine, Lebanon, and the region. The mutual shelling between Israel and the militia had recently become more intense.

The Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" recently reported that the US had warned Israel that a limited ground operation in southern Lebanon to push back Hezbollah from the border could trigger a large-scale war. Hezbollah is considered significantly more powerful than Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The Shia militia possesses an arsenal of around 150,000 rockets alone. In the event of a war, they could fire thousands of them daily at Israel. A rocket barrage could overwhelm Israel's rocket defense.

"Israel is used to short wars," quoted the "Washington Post" an expert at the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies. But after more than nine months, Israel's troops are exhausted, military equipment needs to be maintained, and ammunition is depleted. Every family in Israel is affected by the war. In economically struggling Lebanon, many people feel they cannot endure another crisis. A fully functioning government does not exist there at present.

Reports of Dead in Syria

However, it is considered unlikely that Hezbollah will fully surrender without a formal ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Indirect negotiations, mediated by the US, Egypt, and Qatar, are expected to continue this week in Doha. These negotiations involve the exchange of remaining hostages held by Hamas for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons and a ceasefire. Israel has so far rejected Hamas' demand for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.

Meanwhile, according to Syrian reports, at least two people were killed in a suspected Israeli drone attack near the Syrian-Lebanese border. One of the victims was reportedly a businessman with connections to the Hezbollah militia, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and Syrian-Lebanese security sources. There was no confirmation from Israel.

Just a few days ago, a former bodyguard of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was reportedly killed in a suspected Israeli drone attack in the same area. Israel aims to prevent Hezbollah and its allies, including Iran, from expanding their military influence in the country through such attacks. Iran is one of Syria's most important allies. Since the start of the Gaza conflict, Israeli attacks, which are usually not officially acknowledged by Israel, have increased.

  1. Hezbollah, a militia backed by Iran, claimed responsibility for firing rockets towards Israel from Lebanon, according to "The Times of Israel".
  2. The rockets, fired by Hezbollah, were said to be in response to Israeli attacks in South Lebanon.
  3. Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, called for a diplomatic solution to the intensified conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.
  4. Blinken urged for a diplomatic solution to prevent further escalation along the Israeli-Lebanese border during his meeting with Israeli officials.
  5. Hezbollah and Israel have been engaged in near-daily battles since the start of the Gaza War, causing over 150,000 people to flee combat zones.
  6. Hezbollah's condition for stopping its firing is a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, as stated by the militia.
  7. The Iran-backed militia has a significant arsenal, estimated to be around 150,000 rockets, capable of overwhelming Israel's rocket defense in a large-scale war.
  8. Western media outlets have warned that a limited ground operation in southern Lebanon could trigger a full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah.
  9. Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, has repeatedly emphasized that the "Libanon-Front" is a "support front" in the fight for Palestine, Lebanon, and the region.
  10. Israeli military sources reported that at least two people were killed in a suspected drone attack near the Syrian-Lebanese border, with one of the victims having connections to Hezbollah.
  11. Indirect negotiations, mediated by the US, Egypt, and Qatar, are being held in Doha to discuss the exchange of hostages held by Hamas and Israeli prisoners and a possible ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.
  12. Israel has so far rejected Hamas' demand for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza conflict, hampering the progress of the ongoing negotiations.

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