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The United States criticizes China's activities in the South China Sea

This image, sourced from the Philippine coast guard, depicts a clash involving a Chinese coast...
This image, sourced from the Philippine coast guard, depicts a clash involving a Chinese coast guard ship, identifiable by its bow number 5205, and the Philippine coast guard vessel BRP Teresa Magbanua. The incident occurred near Sabina Shoal in the contested South China Sea.

The United States criticizes China's activities in the South China Sea

The United States has criticized China's actions towards Philippine boats in the South China Sea. According to the U.S. Department of State, these actions are deemed "dangerous and escalating," infringing on the "lawful maritime operations" of the Philippines within the South China Sea.

Spokesperson for the U.S. State Department, Matthew Miller, stated, "A Chinese coast guard vessel recklessly rammed into a Philippine coast guard vessel three times while performing its navigational duties within the Philippine's exclusive economic zone (EEZ), causing damage to the ship and putting the crew's safety at risk."

Fifth Clash in a Month

There exists a territorial argument between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea. Over the weekend, both countries accused one another of being responsible for a collision between their coast guard vessels in a disputed area. There have been multiple incidents similar to this, particularly near the contested Spratly Islands, occurring frequently in recent weeks. This was the fifth such incident in just one month.

The Chinese regime asserts sovereignty over a large portion of the South China Sea, which coincides with areas claimed by the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam. An international tribunal ruled in 2016 that there was no justification for China's stated ownership, yet the Chinese authority has failed to acknowledge or abide by this decision. In the South China Sea, China has constructed seven artificial islands, some of which have been outfitted with radar, runways, and surface-to-air missile systems. The sea, which transports around $3 trillion in goods each year through international shipping, is considered vital for both international navigation and trade. Oil and gas reserves are also suspected to be present in certain areas of the sea, while its rich fishing grounds are well-known.

The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, expressed his concern about the escalating tensions in the South China Sea and urged all parties involved to exercise restraint. In response to these incidents, The Commission on the South China Sea, a regional body advocating for peaceful resolution of disputes, has called for urgent talks between China and the Philippines to de-escalate the situation.

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