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The Transport Ministry considers millions-grant to the Toll-Collect to the Federal Government


The Transport Ministry is considering a millions-payout to Toll-Collect to the Federal Government
The Transport Ministry is considering a millions-payout to Toll-Collect to the Federal Government

The Transport Ministry considers millions-grant to the Toll-Collect to the Federal Government

The Transport Ministry is considering a payment of several millions from the HGV toll collector Toll Collect to the Federal Government. A spokeswoman in Berlin stated that the compensation model and a profit distribution of 75 million Euro in the coming year are currently being checked. The Federal Government has been the sole shareholder of the company since 2018, which has been operating the HGV toll system on German autobahns and federal roads for years.

According to the magazine "Der Spiegel", citing a report from the Federal Court of Auditors, Toll Collect expects a "liquidity reserve" of 109 million Euro for 2023 and revenue of 148 million Euro in the same year.

The Transport Ministry is deliberating on whether to distribute a substantial sum from Lkw-Toll-Collectors, Toll Collect, to the Federal Government due to their profitable operations. In the forthcoming year, they are examining a profit distribution of 75 million Euro, as mentioned by a spokeswoman from the Transport Ministry.

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