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The Swiss Air Force descends onto a roadway.

Physical training for wartime situations

During the exercise in Payerne, the fighter jets had a landing speed of around 260 kilometers per...
During the exercise in Payerne, the fighter jets had a landing speed of around 260 kilometers per hour.

The Swiss Air Force descends onto a roadway.

Neutrality is crucial for Switzerland, as the world is currently experiencing a tense situation. According to the deputy commander, the air force needs to be ready for anything. Recently, fighter pilots have revived a practice they last performed in the 1990s: landing and taking off on highways.

The Swiss Air Force conducted a test to assess its ability in case of a conflict: They had their combat jet pilots land and take off on a stretch of highway in Payerne, near Lake Neuchâtel. With the smell of petrol lingering in the air, Brigadier Christian Oppliger, the deputy commander of the air force, was optimistic about the 'capability test Alpha One.' The F/A-18 pilots managed to land flawlessly at a speed of around 260 km/h. The 3-kilometer highway stretch from Payerne to Lake Neuchâtel was closed the day before and meticulously prepared. Barriers were removed, and the section was thoroughly cleaned to get rid of any obstacles. Cannon shells were fired to deter birds. The last time the Swiss Air Force conducted such an exercise was in the canton of Ticino in 1991. The need for these drills lessened after the end of the Cold War.

Oppliger pointed out that the landscape had evolved: "The air force must be prepared for everything." It's no longer just about defending the nation but also about countering enemy ground-air systems. The Swiss Air Force aims to maintain a buffer zone of at least 100 kilometers outside its borders, preventing potential threats from penetrating into the country. This exercise also served to evaluate how quickly the air force could become operational if military airfields in other parts of the country faced a potential initial invasion.

Switzerland is a country that avoids warfare and doesn't aid warring sides. This same policy applies to Ukraine. The nation follows a defensive military policy known as 'defensively armed Switzerland,' which seeks to protect itself and fend off attacks if attacked. In 2022, Switzerland signed a deal with the US to acquire 36 modern combat planes, the F-35A. The first aircraft is set to arrive in 2027.

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