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The State Library receives an estate from Eugen Roth

Eugen Roth's poems are still quoted today - some lines have become catchphrases. It has now been decided what will happen to the estate of the famous poet.

The Bavarian State Library receives the literary estate of the poet Eugen Roth.
The Bavarian State Library receives the literary estate of the poet Eugen Roth.

- The State Library receives an estate from Eugen Roth

The literary estate of poet Eugen Roth is bequeathed to the Bavarian State Library in Munich. Included are all manuscripts, newspaper and magazine articles, diaries, and correspondence of the author who lived in Munich until his death in 1976. Roth was one of the most popular and successful German poets, the library announced. Known works include his poetry collection "A Human Being", stories like "The Way Over the Mountain", and the anecdote collection "Memories of a Forgetful Man".

Eugen Roth was born on January 24, 1895. He studied history, philosophy, and art history, and became a journalist like his father Hermann. Many quotes from his poems became popular sayings, such as "A person sees one thing - and that's important: nothing is entirely wrong, and nothing entirely right". In 1965, he received the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit.

The General Director of the State Library, Klaus Ceynowa, described this as one of the most significant acquisitions. "This donation is a remarkable enrichment of our collection of 20th-century Munich authors' estates, such as Georg Britting, Georg von der Vring, Heinz Piontek, and Hermann Lenz," he said. He also emphasized the importance of the letters Roth exchanged with prominent figures, which he said are a testament to Roth's extensive network in Munich's cultural scene and the Federal Republic.

This diverse collection of Roth's writings will undoubtedly provide insights into his other literary endeavors. The exchange of correspondence with notable figures in Munich's cultural sphere offers a unique perspective on Roth's other professional relationships.

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