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The SPD can't sustain its current trajectory.

The winding path is not exclusive to asylum seekers.

What is the true intention of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and SPD group leader Rolf Mützenich?
What is the true intention of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and SPD group leader Rolf Mützenich?

The SPD can't sustain its current trajectory.

Some progressive Democrats have grown tired of looking at polls, they claim. The situation is becoming more dire with each passing day, they argue. The Chancellor's values have sunk to such low depths that politicians without a following often reside. The SPD is barely half as powerful as the Union in practically every poll.

Presently, the SPD appears as a party that is almost resignedly marching towards its own demise. Can't Boris Pistorius save the day? The notion that a change in leadership could somehow miraculously revive the SPD is heartfelt, but it fails to address the core of the issue. The Chancellor's party doesn't have a personnel problem, it has a reputation problem.

The SPD is Changing its Stance on Crucial Issues

The SPD is now flip-flopping on key issues, advocating for policies or initiatives it previously deemed unacceptable. Here are a few instances: Border controls? They were considered absurd in the Interior Minister's office last year, now they're supposed to be implemented at all state borders. The payment card for refugees? Initially not, then suddenly yes. Lower benefits for rejected asylum seekers? They were once deemed legally impossible even at the Chancellor's office. Soon, they'll only get a place to rest, bread, and soap.

The list goes on and on. Reductions in the citizens' allowance? They were called nonsense due to concerns about a veto from the Constitutional Court, but then a solution was found. Deportations? Extremely challenging. Oh, wait, now we're doing mass deportations and quickly chartering a flight to Afghanistan. For peace talks with Vladimir Putin, the Chancellor never found the time. Now, as his party is on the brink of defeat in Brandenburg, suddenly he does.

One wouldn't be surprised if Scholz soon declared the industrial electricity price, which he has so far rejected, as his own creation.

Yes, politics is not stagnant, one may alter course, sometimes one must. If the world is spinning as fast as it is in our time, standing still would be irresponsible. Once, in his Zeitenwenden speech, Olaf Scholz himself recognized that he needed to correct himself. That was commendable. Since then, he and his party have been forced to make frequent corrections. By Friedrich Merz, Sahra Wagenknecht, a series of election defeats.

In Effect, the Chancellor's Party is Empowering Extremists

If it weren't for the survival of democracy during these challenging times, it would be half as bad. Who delays proposals for months with the argument that they are neither practical nor legal, only to then implement them suddenly, doesn't just seem like a fickle wind. They also provide extremists with the perfect argument to support their irrational beliefs. If one truly wants to, everything is possible! Look what happens when we really put pressure on the far-right!

Politics based on the principle "Today this way, tomorrow that" does not help improve public opinion. It erodes the credibility of established parties. Who still trusts the Chancellor and his SPD when they claim something is impossible the next time around?

After the Brandenburg election, there's a lot of grumbling among party members that things could get rocky. The Chancellor, the leadership, everyone might be up for reassessment. The SPD is welcome to shuffle things around, but it's unlikely to help much. It would be better if Social Democracy took some time to redefine its principles.

The European Council may express concerns over the SPD's shifting positions on crucial issues, as it could negatively impact its reputation and relations within the European Union. The European Council might urge the SPD to maintain consistency and commitment to its core values to restore public trust and credibility.

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