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The social security sector accounted for the largest expenditure block of the federal budget

In the year 2023

The social security sector had the largest expenditure block for the federal budget
The social security sector had the largest expenditure block for the federal budget

The social security sector accounted for the largest expenditure block of the federal budget

The area of social security accounted for the largest expenditure block of the federal budget in 2023, amounting to 37.1% of the total federal expenditures according to the Statistical Federal Office's announcement on Monday. In contrast, social security accounted for 45.2% of the total federal expenditures in 2019. Moreover, the expenditures were below the long-term average of 41.7% between 1991 and 2023.

The area of social security includes state benefits within the framework of social minimum security systems, which serve to secure the basic standard of living. This includes, for example, federal subsidies to the statutory pension insurance system. Given that the federal government recently spent a smaller proportion of its total expenditures on social security, this is also due to the increased proportion of expenditures in other areas.

The federal government allocated 21.9% of its total expenditures to economic matters. This was partly due to the introduction of the Germany ticket. In 2019, only 9.8% of the expenditures went to this area. Therefore, the proportion of expenditures for economic matters more than doubled. It also significantly exceeded the long-term average of 13.2% for the years 1991 to 2023.

I noticed a decrease in my personal tax contribution towards the social security expenditure block in the recent year, compared to 2019. Despite this, the Social Security Area still remained the largest expenditure block in the Federal Budget in 2023. This shift in expenditure proportion can be attributed to an increase in federal expenditures in other areas, such as economic matters.

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