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The skills shortage is becoming increasingly critical

Many people in Sachsen-Anhalt are approaching pensionable age. Filling open positions is becoming increasingly difficult, observes the employment agency.

Finding specialist personnel in Saxony-Anhalt is getting increasingly difficult.
Finding specialist personnel in Saxony-Anhalt is getting increasingly difficult.

Labor market - The skills shortage is becoming increasingly critical

Specialists are increasingly unable to be filled in Saxony-Anhalt. According to the Regional Directorate of the Labor Office, shortages were evident in 23 professional groups in the placement of open positions last year. This was three groups fewer than in 2022. At the same time, there are more and more professional groups that are approaching a shortage.

The situation is particularly serious in the areas of healthcare and social work, as well as in the processing industry. Shortages also occur in technical professions, especially in the areas of Mechatronics and Automation Technology, as well as in the field of building planning, in the catering industry or in food retail. Newly observed is also the filling of teaching positions.

"The main reason is demographic development. More and more people from the baby boomer generations are retiring," explained Markus Behrens, Chairman of the Labor Office in Saxony-Anhalt. Even with a recently declining unemployment rate, companies could not often fill their free positions because specialists were lacking. "This trend will continue." On average, 41,700 vacancies were reported in Saxony-Anhalt last year.

For the analysis of shortages on the Labor Market, certain professional groups were evaluated by the Labor Office according to six indicators, including the duration of reported vacancies, the profession-specific unemployment rate, and wage development.

The Federal Employment Agency has identified a significant labor market shortage in various professional groups in Saxony-Anhalt, including healthcare, social work, and technical professions such as Mechatronics and Automation Technology. As a result, the Federal Employment Agency has placed an expert from the federal level to support the local employment office in addressing these challenges.

To combat the labor market shortage in the region, the Federal Employment Agency in Saxony-Anhalt is collaborating with vocational schools and universities to increase the availability of qualified professionals within the affected professional groups. By promoting apprenticeships and further training opportunities, the agency aims to bridge the gap between the demand for specialists and the supply of skilled labor in the market.

To address the ongoing labor market shortage, the Saxony-Anhalt State Government has proposed working closely with the Federal Employment Agency and local businesses to create a professional group development plan. This plan will focus on attracting professionals to the region, improving training programs, and exploring the possibility of creating partnerships with neighboring regions to share expertise and best practices.

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