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The required military service should take on this new appearance.

Survey, Collection, Decision Making

The CDU/CSU calls Pistorius' model an "improved voluntary service". It suspects that the minister...
The CDU/CSU calls Pistorius' model an "improved voluntary service". It suspects that the minister has been told off by the Chancellery and the SPD parliamentary group.

The required military service should take on this new appearance.

What triggers this shift?

The emphasis is on the well-known tipping point or the Russian invasion of Ukraine, yet it doesn't stop there. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius declared a few days ago in the Bundestag, "We should be prepared for war by 2029." He's often painted as a war-monger due to such assertions, although this belief is far from accurate. Pistorius explains further, "We must deter to prevent the worst possible outcome."

Does the Bundeswehr foresee an attack by Russia?

Yes, and they predict that within the next five years, Russia, despite its casualties in Ukraine, may attack NATO territory. It's much like nuclear deterrence - NATO should be strong enough to deter aggressors.

Do we need more soldiers to accomplish that goal?

NATO's defense strategy also includes strengthening the troops. For the Bundeswehr, the target is 203,000 soldiers. Currently, there are 181,000.

Is the focus on soldiers or reservists?

The focus isn't solely on soldiers, but on reservists. Their numbers are to be increased, according to SPD defense politician Dirk Vöpel: "Taking the turning point seriously necessitates attracting more conscripts to enhance the Bundeswehr's reserve force for a potential defense scenario." The long-term goal is for the Bundeswehr to have 460,000 soldiers - roughly 200,000 active soldiers in the standing army and the rest in the reserve.

Does the Bundeswehr have the infrastructure for conscripts?

No, not under the older conscription system. Therefore, there won't be a widespread conscription. Initially, 5,000 additional conscripts under the new model will be recruited, and it comes at an estimated cost of 1.4 billion euros.

Does this signal the end of conscription?

No, but the commitment level is higher than before. Pistorius's model includes 18-year-old men and women receiving notification. Men are required to fill out and return the sent questionnaires, while it's voluntary for women.

What happens if a man refuses to respond?

It could lead to a fine, though the specifics are undecided. This proposed model must become a draft law, discussed and approved by the Bundestag.

How are the potential recruits chosen?

They'll be selected based on the questionnaire results, relying on the Swedish conscription model that primarily depends on voluntary service. The Defense Ministry explains, "A selection process occurs, based on quality criteria."

When does this voluntary service end?

The basic military service should take six months and allow an optional additional voluntary military service for an additional 17 months.

When does it begin?

It will commence next year. Pistorius aims to reach 5,000 additional military service personnel by 2025. However, there could be delays. "In the upcoming weeks, we'll discuss the minister's proposals," stated FDP defense politician Alexander Müller. "We're eager to implement the voluntary elements as quickly as possible."

Why are women's obligations voluntary?

It's based on legal grounds: The conscription was temporarily suspended in 2011 and still exists in the Basic Law. It stipulates, "Men can be conscripted from age 18 for service in the armed forces..." Extending the requirement to women would necessitate a modification to the Basic Law, which Pistorius isn't eager to pursue. Recently, the Union decided at its party congress in Berlin to "gradually" lift the suspension and "transform conscription into a compulsory year of public service."

How does an objection to this mandatory military service work?

The FDP politician Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann wrote on Twitter that "young men and women" should be compelled to submit the questionnaire. "The minister's preference for prioritizing young men shouldn't be upheld." The Defense Ministry holds a different view: The planned recruitment criteria are based on "direct needs for land and alliance defense." Consequently, the standards for conscientious objection can be met. This could potentially trigger an interesting lawsuit over gender inequality, because it's prescribed in the Basic Law.

Read also:

In light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent need for NATO to deter potential attacks, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius suggested that Germany should prepare for war by 2029. This proposal includes an increase in the number of soldiers and reservists in the German Armed Forces, specifically targeting an increase in the Bundeswehr's reserve force. Boris Pistorius, who has been labeled as a war-monger due to his assertions, insists that the aim is to deter aggressors, such as Russia.



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