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The regional parliament of Germany advocates for a shift in immigration policies.

The Association of District Councils believes that the ability of municipalities to absorb and integrate new populations has reached its limit. Consequently, it advocates for stringent restrictions on unregulated immigration in its position statement.

The German Association of Municipal Authorities advocates for a change in migration legislation.
The German Association of Municipal Authorities advocates for a change in migration legislation.

- The regional parliament of Germany advocates for a shift in immigration policies.

The German Association of District Governments has advocated for a change in their migration policies in a public statement, claiming that the assimilation and inclusion capabilities of local areas have reached their limits. Consequently, they argue that a strict curtailment of unauthorized immigration is "immediately essential."

While the Association of District Governments commended the federal government's safety plan introduced at the end of August, it noticed a lack of a comprehensive strategy for a fundamentally altered migration policy. According to the Association, such a strategy should involve scrapping subsidiary protection for refugees, enhancing the number of expulsions - even to Syria and Afghanistan - and upholding border controls.

Additionally, the public statement emphasizes the need for an expedited reform and improvement of the European Common Asylum System. Subsidiary protection is applied when a refugee cannot be granted asylum, but faces severe threats in their home country, such as torture or capital punishment.

The German Association of District Governments believes that the European Union should also revise its migration policies, given their shared responsibilities in refugee management. To effectively address this issue, the Association suggests strengthening the European Common Asylum System and implementing stricter measures, including enhanced expulsion rates and border controls.

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