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The reason behind the alleged terrorist suspect, Solinger, choosing to remain in Germany.

Bulgaria consented to the withdrawal, yet it failed to materialize.
Bulgaria consented to the withdrawal, yet it failed to materialize.

The reason behind the alleged terrorist suspect, Solinger, choosing to remain in Germany.

In the case of the individual suspected of carrying out a terrorist attack in Solingen, which resulted in the loss of three lives, it appeared that he managed to evade his planned deportation to Bulgaria. This individual, who is 26 years old, entered Germany on Christmas Day, 2022. Under European Dublin rules, Bulgaria was accountable for his asylum proceedings, a fact that Bulgaria acknowledged promptly, as indicated by government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit in Berlin.

An initial attempt to relocate the man back to Bulgaria on June 3, 2023, was unsuccessful as he could not be located at his residence in Paderborn. Regular subsequent attempts should normally be made. The immigration authorities should investigate if someone might have gone into hiding, or an arrest warrant could be issued.

If it's confirmed that an individual is in hiding, the usual six-month deadline for a Dublin transfer (deportation to another responsible European country) can be extended by an additional twelve months. Unfortunately, this did not occur in the case of this Syrian man.

According to reports, the six-month deadline expired on August 20. Four days later, the man reportedly resurfaced. This suggests he was well-aware of the deadlines and his rights. He subsequently shifted from his refugee accommodation in Paderborn to Solingen. Initially, the responsible ministry in NRW did not provide any comments regarding the situation.

NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst also addressed the failed deportation, stating, "We must examine if everything was carried out correctly. If an error occurred, it must be clearly identified," said the CDU politician during his statement in Solingen. The incident underscores the intricate challenges faced by the responsible authorities.

The asylum seeker, despite the ongoing deportation proceedings, managed to evade relocation to Bulgaria due to being untraceable at his residence. Upon the expiration of the six-month deadline for a Dublin transfer, the asylum seeker, who was a Syrian man, reportedly resurfaced in a different city.

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