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The previous era defaced the Chancellery with graffiti.

Protesters from Last Generation organization displayed "Be honest!" message on the Chancellery's exterior, urging Chancellor Scholz to publicly acknowledge the climate crisis.

The "Sei Ehrlich!" sign is removed from the Chancellery after the protest.
The "Sei Ehrlich!" sign is removed from the Chancellery after the protest.

Demonstration - The previous era defaced the Chancellery with graffiti.

Protesters from the organization Last Generation have put "Tell the truth!" on the front of the Federal Chancellery this morning. Per the Federal Police, six people were involved in the activity. Initial details about it were tight-lipped.

Based on the activists' claims, the message targets Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who had a government statement in the Bundestag earlier, addressing the "current security situation." In their own statement, Last Generation urged the chancellor to speak up "immediately" as the climate disaster poses a life-threatening and imminent threat to security.

According to their declaration, the group previously posted their demand on the Willy Brandt House's wall on both Tuesday and Wednesday, home to the SPD federal party headquarters. This act is a response to the proclamation of two hunger strikers who shared they'd stop drinking water.

Climate activists from the "Fasting Till You Tell The Truth" campaign have been attempting to persuade Scholz to publicly proclaim that the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has passed its safety limit and there's no usable CO2 budget left.

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