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The Polish Prime Minister alerts about a rise in acts of disruption and sabotage against them.

Multiple individuals detained

The Prime Minister of Poland: Donald Tusk.
The Prime Minister of Poland: Donald Tusk.

The Polish Prime Minister alerts about a rise in acts of disruption and sabotage against them.

The prime minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, has issued a caution about rising hostility and sabotage aimed at their country.

"Recently, we've detained ten individuals who played a direct role in causing disruptions and sabotage," stated the previous EU president during a Tuesday press briefing aired on the TV news outlet TVN24 from Bialystok. He refrained from giving more information regarding the arrests.

During a gathering with the Voivodes, or regional presidents of Poland, in Bialystok—a city near the border with Belarus—Tusk addressed the current state of security in his nation. The meeting centered on concerns pertaining to the EU's border with Belarus.

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