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"The phrase 'Love always'" triggers controversy at Berlin's municipal headquarters

"The phrase 'Love always'" triggers controversy at Berlin's municipal headquarters

At the outdoor festival in Berlin's iconic Red Town Hall, the DJ sparks controversy by playing the song "L'amour sempre." Attendees, who were there to celebrate diversity and unity, express their disapproval and vacate the dance floor in dissent. The DJ's song choice has major repercussions.

Performing the notorious party tune "L'amour sempre" during the Tuesday evening festival in Berlin's Red Town Hall has stirred up anger among the audience. Senate spokeswoman Christine Richter stated, "Given that 'L'Amour toujours' is associated with the far-right movement, it's inappropriate to play it at the mayor's outdoor event."

The atmosphere at the festival was one of internationality, inclusivity, unity, solidarity, and freedom. Richter critically noted, "The DJ's behavior contradicts this spirit and is unquestionably distasteful." She added that the DJ will not be engaged for future events and that the music selection will be under more scrutiny during the planning process.

Berlin's Mayor Kai Wegner also regarded the DJ's actions as distasteful and as out of place in the Red Town Hall, as reported by Berlin media outlets. He stated, "Such songs have no place in the Red Town Hall or anywhere else."

The performance of the song was met with boos, and several guests, including former Kreuzberg Mayor Monika Herrmann, reportedly departed in protest, stating, "This is not acceptable." The DJ allegedly retorted, "This is a good song, I won't let it be tainted by Nazis." The dance floor appears to have remained empty following this incident.

The controversial song "L'amour sempre" by Italian DJ Gigi D'Agostino has been misused to support racist slogans. A video that surfaced from a bar on the North Sea island of Sylt spread outrage when attendees shouted "Foreigners out" and "Germany for the Germans" in synchronization with the tune. The playing of the song has stirred discussions about bans in certain scenarios.

The DJ's explanation of defending the song led to more confusion, with someone in the crowd asking, "-What? You're comparing the song to Nazis, yet you're still playing it?" The festival, initially filled with celebration and unity, was now marred by controversy and division.

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