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The peak of heat in the Aegean region has been reached.

Temperatures exceed 40 degrees.

Greek coast guard in the Aegean Sea near the Greek island of Lesbos. (symbolic image)
Greek coast guard in the Aegean Sea near the Greek island of Lesbos. (symbolic image)

The peak of heat in the Aegean region has been reached.

Recently, Greece and Turkey have been battling a severe heatwave that has made daily life quite challenging. On Thursday, the Greek meteorological agency announced that temperatures could reach a sweltering 45 degrees Celsius in the interior regions of Greece and the Peloponnese Peninsula during the early afternoon. As one of their spokespersons noted on the radio, "This will be the hardest day of this heatwave." In Athens, the temperature hit 33 degrees by 9 AM.

To curb the effects of the heatwave, the Acropolis - a famous landmark in Athens - closed during peak heat hours on Wednesday. The Culture Ministry also urged the closure of all ancient sites in the greater Athens area between 12 PM and 5 PM.

Daycares and elementary schools were shut down in various regions of Greece for a second day straight. Multiple individuals opted to work from home, with construction work suffering due to the temperatures. Physicians advised vulnerable individuals (seniors and the sick) to remain at home.

By the Turkish coastline in the Aegean, it was over 30 degrees Celsius during the mornings. As reported by the Turkish state news agency Anadolu, the region of Aydin in western Turkey experienced a record-breaking temperature of 44.6 degrees on Wednesday. This marked the hottest day in June in Aydin since 1938.

The meteorological agencies of both countries forecast an end to this heatwave over the weekend. It's expected to rain in northern Greece on Friday, while brisk northerly winds are predicted. However, the Greek Civil Protection cautioned that this would raise the fire hazard.

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