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The number of pharmacies in MV continues to decline

In the northeast, there are fewer pharmacies. Reforms are being worked on at the federal level. This causes unhappiness at the Chamber of Pharmacists.}

The number of pharmacies in the north-east has further decreased. (Archive image)
The number of pharmacies in the north-east has further decreased. (Archive image)

health - The number of pharmacies in MV continues to decline

The number of pharmacies has continued to decrease in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. By the end of 2023, there were 360 pharmacies in the northeast, six fewer than the previous year, according to data from the State Chamber of Pharmacists. The number was reportedly as low as it had been since 1996. The number had reportedly been declining continuously – there were over 400 pharmacies in the federal state as recently as 2018.

Plans from Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) call for more flexible regulations for pharmacies to help maintain the network for patients, particularly in rural areas. In the future, it could be possible for "branch pharmacies" from a main pharmacy, up to three branches, and a maximum of two additional "satellite pharmacies." To facilitate the establishment of branches, they could reportedly be located in a larger radius than before.

Another key aspect of the plans: Branch pharmacies would be allowed to open even if only one pharmacist was available for pharmaceutical consultation in another branch.

Criticism of the Plans

The pharmacy industry is already expressing opposition. The Federal Association of German Pharmacists' Associations warns against a "destructive reform that abolishes on-site pharmacy care by pharmacists and pharmacists and threatens tens of thousands of jobs."

Criticism also came from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The State Chamber of Pharmacists, according to its managing director Matthias Franke, rejects the draft because it allegedly weakens consumer protection. The Chamber reportedly sent a letter expressing its thanks for the plans to Minister-President Manuela Schwesig and Health Minister Stefanie Drese (both SPD) several weeks ago.

  1. The decrease in the number of pharmacies in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is a concern, particularly in light of the proposed reforms by Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach from the SDP.
  2. Despite the criticism, Lauterbach's plans aim to maintain the pharmacy network in rural areas by allowing for more flexible branch pharmacies.
  3. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the State Chamber of Pharmacists, located in Schwerin, has expressed concern that the plans could weaken consumer protection.
  4. Pharmacies in Northeast Germany, with a total of 360 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern as of 2023, continue to face challenges in retaining their presence due to declining numbers and potential reforms.

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