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The number of HIV infections in Germany is rising again to pre-Corona levels

HIV-infected individuals have been able to treat AIDS for a long time. The disease is no longer as threatening as it used to be. However, the increasing trend in infections is concerning.

Red AIDS ribbons remind us of HIV infected persons. In Germany, their number is increasing again.
Red AIDS ribbons remind us of HIV infected persons. In Germany, their number is increasing again.

RKI-Estimation - The number of HIV infections in Germany is rising again to pre-Corona levels

Approximally around 2200 people in Germany got newly infected with HIV last year. This is about the same number as before the Corona-Pandemic, stated the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) in a new estimation. An infection with the HIV-virus can lead to AIDS if left untreated.

The RKI estimates the numbers every year. Considered are new infections in Germany and of people of German origin who got infected abroad. The reason for the publication is the World Aids-Conference, which takes place from 22nd to 26th July in Munich.

Approximately 1200 Men who have sex with Men were among the new infections. The number in this group decreased compared to the year 2019. According to German Aids-Help, the numbers were lower during the pandemic due to contact restrictions and reduced testing offers.

According to RKI, it is likely that among these Men, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) prevented many new infections. PrEP is almost exclusively used by this group. People at high risk take a daily tablet with two active ingredients that inhibit the virus multiplication in the body. "The successes among gay men are encouraging, but could still be greater," said Sven Warminsky from the German Aids-Help board.

Drug Consumption fuels HIV spread

380 new infections occurred through injecting drugs with needles. "With Crack and the emergence of Fentanyl and other synthetic opioids, the situation has worsened," said Warminsky. The estimated numbers through this drug use have been increasing steadily since 2010. "The increase among drug users is alarming and demands urgent answers in prevention." It is important to provide sufficient sterile syringes and other utensils to these people.

The Aids-Help still sees a significant gap in care for people without health insurance or residence papers, who often have no access to an HIV-therapy. "The consequence are preventable Aids-infections and, since HIV is transmissible without treatment, further HIV-infections," said Warminsky.

Approximately 620 people got infected with HIV last year through heterosexual contacts, according to RKI estimation. An increase compared to the pre-pandemic level was recorded in this group. However, the Aids-Help points out that this number is still uncertain, and it needs to be checked whether a real increase is behind it. It is sensible to enable access to PrEP for other risk groups like sex workers as well.

More and more infected people in treatment

According to RKI, the number of people living with HIV in Germany increased to 96,700 by the end of the previous year. Of these, approximately 8,200 HIV-infections were not yet diagnosed by professionals.

Almost all people with known HIV-infection receive a so-called antiretroviral therapy nowadays: About 80% did before 18 years ago, now about 99%. Of these therapies, about 96% were successful – HIV was then no longer transmissible. The RKI also emphasizes that more self-tests and reported cases would help to reduce the number of undiagnosed HIV-infected people.

HIV-diagnoses are often only made years after the infection. The data basis of the routine overview are laboratory reports. The RKI points out that they only provide limited information on the current spread of HIV in Germany. The number of new HIV-infections and the total number of people living with HIV in Germany can therefore only be estimated using model calculations.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) revealed that roughly 2200 new HIV infections occurred in Germany last year, which is similar to the number prior to the Coronavirus pandemic. The World AIDS Conference, happening in Munich from July 22nd to 26th, was the reason for this publication.

In Germany, approximately 1200 new HIV infections occurred among men who have sex with men, and the numbers in this group decreased compared to 2019 due to pandemic-related contact restrictions and reduced testing offers.

Sven Warminsky from German Aids-Help mentioned that HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) likely prevented many new infections in the men group, as it's primarily used by this population.

According to the RKI, around 380 new HIV infections in Germany were linked to drug consumption through injecting drugs with needles, with the situation worsening due to substances like Crack and Fentanyl.

Warminsky stated that the increase in HIV infections through drug use is alarming, necessitating urgent preventive measures and providing sufficient sterile syringes to the affected individuals.

Around 620 people were newly infected with HIV last year through heterosexual contacts, according to the RKI, with an increase observed compared to the pre-pandemic level. However, German Aids-Help emphasized the need to confirm this increase and enable PrEP access for other high-risk groups like sex workers.

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