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The number of destroyed election posters has increased

They were smeared, sprayed or stolen: campaign posters were significantly more often the target of attacks than before. One party was particularly affected.

Defaced, splashed, torn: Over 1000 campaign posters were targeted with attacks during the last...
Defaced, splashed, torn: Over 1000 campaign posters were targeted with attacks during the last campaign (archive image)

Vandalism - The number of destroyed election posters has increased

During the Europa and Local Elections in Thuringen, significantly more Wahlplaketes have been destroyed than in previous elections. The Thuringian Criminal Police (LKA) reported a preliminary balance of 1,340 damaged, destroyed or stolen Plaketes. During the Federal Elections 2021, there were 230 such incidents. Before the State Elections in 2019, the LKA reported 340.

AfD Plaketes most frequently targeted

Preliminary data shows that especially AfD Plaketes have been damaged or stolen. Approximately 470 AfD Wahlplaketes were reportedly attacked during the Communal or Europa Elections. In second and third place were CDU and Greens campaign materials. Wahlplaketes of all parties were torn from lamp posts, defaced, sprayed or completely stolen.

The LKA spokesperson made no comments on the possible reasons for the increasing attacks. However, it was mentioned in the Thuringian Interior Ministry in the past that the polarized atmosphere within society naturally reflects itself in the increasing occurrence of such crimes.

According to the statistics of politically motivated crimes from the Thuringian Criminal Police for the years 2022 and 2023, the police in Thuringen registered approximately 3,200 and approximately 3,100 such crimes respectively – significantly more than before the Corona Pandemic. At that time, the police in Thuringen recorded approximately 2,500 politically motivated crimes.

Crimes anticipated before Landtag Elections

The police officers of the Thuringian Criminal Police assume, with a high probability, that there will be a large number of damages or thefts to Wahlplaketes during the currently ongoing Landtag election campaign. More serious crimes cannot be ruled out, according to the latest issue of the "Police in Thuringia" newspaper published by the Interior Ministry.

Although it is difficult to make a prediction as to how the number of crimes related to the Landtag election will develop, the experts at the Thuringian Criminal Police assume that crimes such as stolen or damaged Wahlplaketes, as well as assaults on people, must be taken into account. "Experts at the Landeskriminalamt assume that not only the politicians themselves, who are running for various bodies, can become victims of crimes, but also Wahlhelfer, supporters or other party members," it states there.

  1. The Interior Ministry in Thuringia has previously linked the rise in politically motivated crimes to the societal polarization.
  2. The Municipalities in Thuringia have experienced a surge in vandalism and theft of election posters during recent elections.
  3. The CDU, Greens, and especially the AfD have been affected by this vandalism during the European election campaign.
  4. Election posters in Erfurt have been particularly targeted, with a significant number of AfD posters destroyed or stolen.
  5. The Thuringian Criminal Police (LKA) is anticipating a high number of damages or thefts to Wahlplaketes during the current Landtag election campaign.
  6. The police believe that not only the politicians but also their campaign helpers, supporters, and party members could become victims of such crimes.
  7. The LKA has reported a higher number of politically motivated crimes in Thuringia since the Corona Pandemic compared to previous years.
  8. The criminality surrounding elections has become a concern for municipal campaign organizers in Thuringia, with the Interior Ministry issuing warnings about potential dangers.

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