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The Norwegian branch of Afghanistan's diplomatic mission will cease operations.

The Afghan embassy situated in Norway will cease operations.
The Afghan embassy situated in Norway will cease operations.

The Norwegian branch of Afghanistan's diplomatic mission will cease operations.

The UK-representing entity plans to shutdown Afghanistan's embassy in Norway, as confirmed via an online platform X's statement. The closure is set for Thursday, with the premises being handed over to Norway's Foreign Ministry.

This move stems from the Taliban's decision to disregard the consular services provided by certain diplomatic missions of the former government. The Afghan embassy in London was announced to shut down on September 27, as communicated on Sunday. A Foreign Office spokesperson from the UK revealed the reason behind this closure: the dismissal of all embassy staff by the Taliban.

The Islamist group gained power in Afghanistan during the summer of 2021. The fate of numerous diplomats who served under the previous government, backed by the West, remains uncertain. Despite many embassies in Europe and other regions staying operational, the Taliban accuses these missions of failing to collaborate with them.

The Taliban's actions towards consular services provided by the previous government's diplomatic missions have led to this situation. Under the previous government, the UK provided significant support.

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