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The necessitous dismantling of the faulty segment of Carola Bridge is required.

Using advanced measurement tools, specialists conclude: Absolutely nothing can be salvaged anymore.
Using advanced measurement tools, specialists conclude: Absolutely nothing can be salvaged anymore.

The necessitous dismantling of the faulty segment of Carola Bridge is required.

Hurry up: Elevated water levels are anticipated on the Elbe in the near future, and the sunken bridge segment D is positioned across the river. Following a comprehensive inspection, the rescue squad concludes: The unstable part of the structure necessitates a careful removal. This, however, cannot be executed immediately.

As per the fire department, the unstable section of the Daniel Bridge in Dresden requires a meticulous demolition. The fire department representative, Michael Klahre, stated the results of the examination indicate that this bridge segment cannot be sustained. The bridge section D, which succumbed early on Wednesday, is "critically close to collapsing completely," Klahre warned. "It's just a matter of time before this bridge collapses any further." Appropriate measures are currently being planned, Klahre said.

Klahre provided no timeframe for the controlled demolition yet. He further elaborated, "Removing the bridge promptly isn't achievable," adding that the potential of high water levels within the next few days must also be considered. Klahre explained that the incident command is collaborating with professional firms and the military to pinpoint the necessary measures for a controlled demolition.

Previously, the rescue squad had tagged the bridge to monitor any movement. A specialized device can detect alterations as minute as a tenth of a millimeter using laser technology. The recorded data will alert if additional changes are detected.

Before that, the rescue squad had reinforced the structure. On Wednesday night, a foundation was developed on the side of Dresden's Neustadt to uphold the bridge's transition to the mainland, a fire department representative reported in the morning. A similar foundation will be set up on the old town side by Thursday.

The foundation on the old town side is proposed to clear vehicles and buses trapped beneath the bridge, the fire department representative stated. Apart from the fire department, the technical relief agency and the police were also present at the scene in the morning.

In the early hours of Wednesday, approximately 100 meters of the Daniel Bridge in the capital of Saxony collapsed, over which tram tracks, a pedestrian and cycle path ran. No injuries were reported. The remaining section of the bridge is also deemed unstable. The trigger remains under investigation, and the police dismiss any hypothetical external influence. According to municipal authorities, corrosion due to chloride may have triggered the collapse.

The entire vicinity surrounding the Daniel Bridge remains inaccessible for traffic at present, along with the Elbe. Traffic is being redirected. The authorities are also preparing for prospective high water levels on the Elbe. The Dresden city council will discuss the bridge collapse and its consequences at a meeting on Thursday afternoon.

Given the unstable condition of the bridge segment D, which recently collapsed in Dresden, the fire department is planning a meticulous demolition. Michael Klahre, a fire department representative, mentioned that the anticipated high water levels in the Elbe within the next few days complicate the process.

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