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The Micro-Mafia is also known in Lower Saxony

Police in North Rhine-Westphalen fear a new dimension of violence due to the Dutch 'Mocro-Mafia'. Does the perpetrators act in Lower Saxony as well?

The so-called 'Mocro-Mafia' is responsible for a new dimension of violence - the Lower Saxony...
The so-called 'Mocro-Mafia' is responsible for a new dimension of violence - the Lower Saxony criminal investigations department is familiar with this Dutch grouping.

Organized Crime - The Micro-Mafia is also known in Lower Saxony

Abductions and explosions in North Rhine-Westphalia bear the signature of the Dutch "Mocro-Mafia" - a group also known to Lower Saxony investigators. It is also known from contacts with the Dutch police that the majority of Lower Saxony and nationwide ATM robberies are attributed to Dutch-Moroccan groups, the Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen stated.

In connection with drug criminality and organized crime, it is known that Moroccan nationals belong to an international criminal group that has been responsible for the smuggling of cocaine in ton-scale quantities, there are no concrete indications otherwise.

Police warned of "extremest threat scenarios"

The term "Mocro-Mafia" should refer to a term coined in the media in the Netherlands - it means Dutch criminals with Moroccan migration background, the authority stated. These acted with high criminal energy, especially in the greater Amsterdam and Utrecht areas.

Previously, the Cologne Police had identified a "new dimension of violence in the context of organized crime" due to abductions and explosions in the context of a conflict among drug dealers. The officers had freed two hostages from the clutches of kidnappers about a week ago. "There were extremest threat scenarios," said Cologne Criminal Director Michael Esser. The background of the abduction was organized drug crime. In this context, several explosions at the end of June and beginning of July were also to be seen.

Unclear in connection with cannabis release

In connection with ATM robberies, the Dutch authorities, according to the Landeskriminalamt, are dealing with a potential perpetrator pool of several hundred people.

In the drug trade, it is unclear whether the so-called Mocro-Mafia is also responsible for the smuggling of other drugs. The assessment of possible effects with regard to the group in connection with the controversial cannabis release has not been possible yet. The law, which allows the possession and cultivation of cannabis for personal use by adults, came into force on April 1.

  1. The "Mocro-Mafia" group, responsible for kidnappings and explosions in North Rhine-Westphalia, has ties to Dutch authorities, as stated by Lower Saxony investigators.
  2. Several Dutch-Moroccan groups have been linked to the majority of Lower Saxony and nationwide ATM robberies, according to the Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen.
  3. The police have issued warnings about "extremist threat scenarios" due to the escalating violence and organized crime in Lower Saxony and other German states.
  4. The "Mocro-Mafia" term originated from the Dutch media, referring to Dutch criminals with Moroccan migration background, known for their high criminal energy in Amsterdam and Utrecht.
  5. The Cologne Police recently dealt with a "new dimension of violence" in organized crime, involving abductions, explosions, and cocaine-related conflicts among drug dealers.
  6. The Dutch authorities, according to the Landeskriminalamt, are managing a potential perpetrator pool of several hundred people in relation to ongoing ATM robberies, but the involvement of the "Mocro-Mafia" in other drug smuggling remains unclear.

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